Here's the introduction to Open Educational Resources... the history (short version) and basic philosophy...
They are about collaborating and sharing....
Redistribute - People share copies with others
Remix- People combine resources to create new content
Revise - People translate or change the work; people can modify and adapt
Reuse - People are allowed to freely use all or part of the unaltered, verbatim work
OERs are about teaching, learning and researching - accessible to everyone.... Knowledge as a public good. Knowledge as a public good. Everyone has the right to be educated, yet not everyone has the access to school.
Here's a good introductory video, "Why Open Education Matters" created by Flat World Knowledge.
Here's a video that was a TED talk from 2006, with Richard Baraniuk on Open Source Learning which are closely linked to OERs...This new emergence of on-line sharing of free resources could really help our world. Of course there are barriers such as language, cultural contextual differences and cultural teaching styles... but it's a beginning. Most OERs if implemented well allow teachers to reuse or remix ideas, basically adapt to the needs of the culture or context.
The job you have today may not exist in 5, 10, 20 years from now. So how will you prepare and adapt for this change? This is where the possibilities of OERs can really make a difference, not just from a global equity perspective, or to ease the cost of higher level learning, but for everyone who might be looking at changing positions or jobs in the future. How can we adapt and be able to afford to go to school continuously? Does it have to have a cost?
See the video below, "Education Without Limits: Why Open Education Matters" with Mitchell Levy, College Open Textbooks Co-Director... really reinforces this mindset or mindshift...
Video published on Jun 5, 2012 with Creative Commons (
Other organizations that support the OER and Open Source Learning
Twenty Million Minds Foundation - This organization founded by Dr. Gary Michelson was created to provide the use of comprehensive, digital, higher education textbook library to help reduce the costs of textbooks. His website has the following mission... (see info direct from their website below).
OERs - Is this the way of the future in Higher level education??
Are on-line classes the future of higher education? Dean Florez, the President and CEO of 20 Million Minds Foundation and former state senator explains.
See link:
Here's a blog on latest news from the Twenty Millions Minds Foundation... Check out the videos on the blog (many are TED talks... Really cool!)
Want to sign up for OERs? It's a fairly new OER site (it doesn't have many resources - yet)
"Why Open is Important" video on open educational resources at the University level. He explains how OERs can provide opportunities and mechanisms for students and faculty to embrace the concept because it can improve the world by sharing knowledge. If the cost to produce something is $0, then the price of it should be $0...( Still trying to get my head around the price of planning documents to be shared.)
Dr. Paul Courant, Dean of University of Michigan Libraries, discusses why the concept of Open is important within academia.
Visit to learn more.
OERs at U of MICHIGAN - "It's all about collaboration and sharing"
Collaboration worldwide - Student's perspective video
Check out OER sites...
Creative commons