Saturday, September 1, 2012

Deshaye 2011-12 Grade 7/8 Overview


¨     In Language Arts, students will be engaged in the meaningful use of “language”. The literature selected will be used to aid in the development and understanding of the 6 strands of language: reading, writing, listening, viewing, representing and speaking. These strands will be continuously taught and assessed through the course.
¨     A resource-based approach in learning will be used; therefore selections will be taken from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. Students will engage in a range of instructional strategies such as: response journals, comprehension questions, vocabulary analysis, literature circles, reader’s theatre, writer’s workshop and oral presentations.

¨      Thematic units to be explored include: Step and Make a Difference, Mysteries and Uncanny Events, Adventure and Adventurers, Greek Mythology  and Other Skies and Dystopian Worlds.
¨     Group Novel study: Students will also engage in a novel study that focuses on global issues and social justice.

¨     An integrative approach will be used in the teaching of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling. Research has shown that grammar is only meaningful when understood in the context of literature and language. There will be emphasis placed upon the writing process as used in writer’s workshop. Vocabulary and Spelling will be integrated with the theme or novel studied. Weekly Spelling or Vocabulary quizzes will be given. 

¨     Evaluation will be based on tests, daily assignments, projects, displays and presentations. Assignments will reflect the principles of the Multiple Intelligences.

MATHEMATICS: Mr. McCulloch and Mrs. Weber will be the grade 7 Math teachers, while I will teach the grade 8’s. 
¨     Grade 7 Units: Coordinates and Design; Operations and Decimal Numbers; Geometry and Measurement; Fractions, Decimals and Percents; Probability; Fraction Operations; Circles; Integers; Expressions; and Solving Equations.
  Mental Math and Problem Solving will be assessed in all the units of study.
Text: Math Links 7 (with supplemental resources).
¨     Grade 8 Units: Ratios, Rates and Proportional Reasoning; Pythagorean Relationship and Squares and Square Roots; Understanding Percent; Surface Area; Fraction Operations; Volume; Integers; Linear Relations ; Graphing Coordinates; and Solving Linear Equations; Representing Data and Interpreting Graphs.
 Mental Math and Problem Solving will be assessed in all the units of study.
Text: Math Links 8 (with supplemental resources).
¨     Unit tests and quizzes will be given  at least every 2 weeks, to assess student comprehension and skill. Students will also be evaluated on their Daily Work through Homework and Notebook checks

¨     Taught by Mr. Csada
¨     Science will focus on a Resource Based – Thematic Approach. Students will participate in discussion, study content from the text and participate in a variety of labs, as well as complete weekly assignments, quizzes and tests.           

¨     Taught by Mr. McCulloch
¨    Health and Career Ed. will focus on a Resource Based – Thematic Approach. Students will participate in discussion, as well as complete projects, assignments, quizzes and tests.           

¨     The French program will be based on a communicative approach.  Students will be expected to try to read/ speak/ listen and write in French. This involves:  writing sentences, conjugating verbs and other parts of speech.
Animated French Flag¨     There will be four themes covered in French this year:
1. Friendship            2. Physical Activity and Hobbies     
3. Daily Routines and the Telephone      4. Restaurants and Food
¨     Each theme will have a major project at the end of each unit.  The final project will incorporate all of the concepts taught throughout the unit.  Projects are usually based on reading, writing, speaking and listening and will involve presenting according to the Multiple Intelligences. Some projects will involve individual work, while others will be assigned in partner or small group format.

¨     Taught by Ms. Richter
¨     Drama (September and October) – “War” and issues related to peace and conflict.
¨     Music (November and December) -  “ World Drumming and Culture”
¨     Arts Education will also be integrated in the other subject areas.
¨     Social Studies is organized into five strands of study.
Units will be theme based and focus on the following concepts:
 1. Culture  2. Resource Management and Location   3. Interdependence 4. Canadian Government and Citizenship
¨     The overall objective of the Social Studies program is to help to develop in students a sense of themselves as active participants in and citizens of an interdependent world. Therefore students will explore many issues and events in Current Events and will be expected to participate in discussion.

¨     This program focuses on assisting the students in nurturing their relationship with God in and through Christ in the context of a spirit filled community. Students will engage in alternating units from the grade 7 and 8 curriculum, as well as other resources provided by the Regina Catholic School System. We will be exploring the following units: Exploring My Gifts; Compassion and Justice; The Lives of Saints; Stories from the Bible; Examining Faith and the Media; and a Lenten Service Project.
¨      Text:  Believe in Me (grade 7) and Stand By Me (grade 8)
¨     Other Resources: Stories and Activities for Teaching Compassion and JusticeScary, Gross and Weird Stories from the BibleActing Out - Skits for Teenagers to Illustrate God’s WordOur Media World – Teaching Kids About Faith and Media

¨     Taught by Mr. Cote
¨     Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills in a cooperative, fun environment.  The students will participate in Phys. Ed. activities that focus on physical fitness, skill development and cooperative games.

¨     Incorporates resource-based learning and the Accelerated Reading Program. Students are expected to engage in the A.R. program and will be evaluated on their participation in the program, as it is incorporated in ELA.
¨     Students will have the opportunity to exchange books for research and silent reading.

Integrated daily in almost all of the subject areas.
¨     Keyboarding skills and Word processing skills (Microsoft Word) 
¨     Data Organizing (Inspiration, Word, Powerpoint, Glogster, Prezi, Sketch Up, Google Docs)
¨     Blogging – Check out what we are studying, lesson extensions and important dates at:
¨     Student blog responses will be posted on –  A permission note will be sent home. Please note that individuals with an assigned ID can access the site. Blog posts are only “published” for the class with teacher permission.
¨     Ethical use of Internet and e-mail integrated into all subject areas, as well as the proper care of computers/laptops. Students will be encouraged to e-mail some of their assignments, as well as participate in other activities such as blogs and web-quests.
¨     Our class has been fortunate to receive a SMART board. Many lessons, activities and home/ school communication will involve this form of technology.


 Assignments are expected to be turned in on time and to be done neatly and thoroughly.  Students will be asked to stay in either at lunch or after school to finish incomplete work. Late assignments will be deducted marks accordingly.  Students will also be asked to redo any work that is illegible.
¨     Students will always have an abundance of class time to complete work.  However, whatever does not get finished in class is considered homework and must be taken home and completed for the next day.
¨     Every assignment that is completed by students during the term will be graded and will be part of their Integrade report card mark.  All assignments are important regardless of their weight. 
¨     Math assignments are to be completed in pencil and students are expected to show their work.  Some work will be completed with a calculator.  Simple addition/ subtraction/ multiplication and division questions must be completed without the aid of a calculator. However, students are allowed to bring calculators for some units in Math.
¨     With the exception of Math, all students regardless of grade, will be studying the same topics, but expectations and assignments will be adapted in accordance to the Sask. Ed. Curricula.


¨     In my teaching, I try to implement the strategies of Brain-Based Learning and of the Multiple Intelligences. Students will be provided with the opportunity to “showcase” their learning in a variety of ways.  During a unit of study, students will be able to demonstrate what they have learned in a variety of ways that reflect their learning style and individual talents.
¨     In addition to this, students will have the opportunity to learn strategies for studying and test taking. This is very important for our Middle Years students, as these are skills that will be necessary when they enter high school.
¨     Evaluation may involve weekly tests to performance assessments at the completion of a unit of study. Students will be made aware of the test at least one week prior to it.  There will be a review period in class where students will be informed of study material and given time to briefly review.  However, students will be expected to also study at home. 
¨     There will be periodic checks to ensure that students have all of the required notes and assignments in their notebooks.  If absent, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assignment they missed from a “Learning Buddy” or the teacher.


¨     Students are expected to be respectful to all people.  Disrespect will not be tolerated or accepted.
¨     Students are expected to have a positive attitude and to do their best at all they do. Even if a student does not care for a particular activity, they are expected to keep an open mind.
¨     Students are expected act responsibly and to be ambassadors for their family and their school, as they are the eldest students.
¨     Students are expected to follow the Classroom Procedures and the Classroom Policy.
¨     Students will be expected to keep their classroom clean and tidy.  Desks, shelves, lockers and the floor will be each student’s responsibility. 
¨     Please remember to have a good sense of humor and a smile. A positive attitude and laugh always makes the day go well!
Any questions or concerns: please contact me at 791- 7270 or

Please communicate through your child’s agenda or through e-mail, as both forms of communication are checked daily.   ~Jennifer Stewart-Mitchell~

 Ms. Stewart – Mitchell’s Grade 7/8 Student Timetable    
9:00 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:00

10 :00-10 :30

10:30 - 10:45
R     E     C     E    S    S
10:45 - 11:15

11:15 – 11:45

11:45 – 12:45
L    U    N   C   H
12:45 - 1:15

Arts Ed.
Arts Ed.
1:15 – 1:45

1:45 – 2:15

2:15 – 2:30
R     E     C     E    S    S
2:30 – 3:25
Phys. Ed.
Arts Ed.
Phys. Ed.
3:25 – 3:30
Science – Mr. Csada
Phys. Ed. – Mr. Cote
Health/Career Ed. – Mr. McCulloch
Arts Ed. – Ms. Richter
Math 7 – Mr. McCulloch
Math 8, ELA, Social, French, Religion –
         Ms. Stewart-Mitchell
2011 - 2012
Learning Buddies  – The students determined the groups/partnerships. This is a person they can call about homework or assignment questions. Students may of course contact other peers as well. Buddies are posted in the room.

May GOD bless us and keep our ambitions high as we journey
through grade seven/eight together! ~ Ms. Stewart-Mitchell

Learning Buddies
Jennifer, Denae, Kaitlyn, Ali
Paul, Dana, Dominic
Carly, Micaela, Carissa
Emilio, Jake
Anastasia, Anna
Colton, Jordan, Jadin
Tyler, Matthew
Remaila, Diana
Brett, Lundy, Brennan
Amanda, Christine, Max
Bobby, Mark, Ariel
Rolan, Khadeeja

WORK HARD, HELP EACH OTHER OUT... We all succeed together…