Thursday, September 29, 2011

Architecture Goes to School Focus Group Assignment

Focus Group Tasks for Thursday, September 29th

1. Highlight your groups "babies" - Ideas for buildings/ structures that are the most important to your group. Then come up with 2-3 reasons to justify why the community needs the facility. *Remember to think of what is in the surrounding community.

Decide on:
3 or 4 "Babies" (want)
3 or 4 "Dogs" (don't want)
2. During the above discussion you will need a Recorder to record ideas and how you justified your reasons.

You will need a couple Presenters to PERSUADE and JUSTIFY why you need the facility or buildings... ("babies")

3. While groups are the ideas you like or agree with. If you don't like it... leave it. 3. While groups are the ideas you like or agree with. If you don't like it... leave it.
Yellow Focus Group


*Big Mall (Edmonton)

*Medical Clinic - Doctors, dentists, salon


*Businesses/Rent spaces

*Green space for Rec and Relaxation

*All is walking distance

*Connection to Downtown

*Library/Globe Theatre

*Movie Viewing played on side of building (mall)
Green Focus Group


*Park (green space) - all seasons (tobaggan...)

*Different housing (students, young adults, families)

*Multipurpose building (offices, medical clinic, day care, food court *workers with children. Don't leave building)

*Community garden - sustainable, fresh

* Historical"Attracktions" - Reuse some track and rail cars

*Grocery stores - Food/families


*Bank, Multifaith center, no mall (Cornwall nearby)
Blue Focus Group


*Housing and Condos

*Learning Center - Museum, art studio, lessons and be a cultural center

*Multifaith Church

*Elementary School/ Preschool/ Daycare... Fields, Library, Gym and Green space/fields

Focus Group Reflection Response

Assignment: "Your picks for the Babies"... Which of all the ideas presented do you choose?? You can only choose 3 or 4! Write a response justifying why these choices are the best! (At least 2-3 reasons per choice.)

Persuade your teacher and architects!

Due: Rough Draft due Monday, October 3rd. Good copy due Tuesday, Oct. 4th

Next Class...Focus Group Finalize and Prioritize "the Babies"...

Questions... How do things connect to other areas? Downtown? East area of city?

Who is going to live on the site? What are the types of transportation needed?

How are roads going to align? (Architects will work their "magic" and teach us!)

Sketch Up Crew... Review skills
Think about the following needs in the city... Architect Insights into City Needs...
1. Globe Theatre needs a new location and needs to be bigger - and why not have something that can

be outside...

2. We need a new downtown Library

3. Additional site for a Farmer's Market

4. Are we looking after everyone's needs in our society? Special needs' housing, soup kitchen, Food Bank, shelters

5. How can we incorporate sustainable concepts and the Winter City - Retractable roofs, water park/skating rink and crazy winter bobsled runs.... fun outside all seasons.