Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Assignments to hand in or post

The following assignments will be collected tomorrow and will be on the Term 2 Reportcard. These are assignments that we've completed in the last 2 weeks or those that students may need a reminder to hand in. 

1. Section 1-2 Word Charts - 10 charts for words chosen from your novel. You had to find 3-4 synonyms, 1-3 antonyms, write the word in a sentence, explain context and connections you can make...

2. Word Sorts - Section 1 included dystopian themed words that I gave you that you had to sort, plus 10 more that you had to find from your novel and add to the sort.
Word Sort for Section 2-4 must be updated. For each section you had to add. 10-15 words (with page numbers) that your group chose. 

3. KidBlog Responses - 
Section 1 making predictions was already marked. See private comment in Kidblog. 

Section 2 Deep Thinking Questions was already marked.

Section 3 Visualizations and ONE of the Four Ways of Responding to Literature blog post is due tomorrow. Marked this weekend.

4. Edmodo Interschool Digital Bookclub - -week 1 video with questions about your book. 
-week 2 images/pictures that relate to world events and your book and questions.
-week 3 dystopian music video that connects to the book and questions, and find your own song that connects to the book and explain the connection.

I will hand back the adjectives assignment booklet: 8 pictures with 3 adjectives to describe each picture, paragraph describing yourself, paragraph describing a cartoon character. 

Thursday, hand in the:
1. Canadian Medal Count Assignment - athlete/team, sport and the medal they received. 

2.Olympic story of the week assignment.

Those students who have assignments that are overdue from December and January, and have them recorded in their agenda or on their device, you need to get them in by this weekend. You can email me with the assignment at: If you forget what an assignment entailed or need a copy of an assignment, a majority of assignments can be found as google doc link on this blog.

Thank you!