Thursday, December 5, 2013

Organizing Persuasive Writing Interactive Outline

Awesome interactive outline for persuasive writing...

Well known Human Rights Activist Nelson Mandela passes away today

Nelson Mandela, one of history's greatest leaders passed away today. If you check out this link you can see Twitter feeds that are trending around the world. Globally Nelson Mandela and what he has done for humanity was on everyone's mind...

* Click on the link above to access the Google Doc
See Trend map twitter feed...

CBC links on Nelson Mandela

Interactive Timeline on the life and times of Nelson Mandela  - CBC

Photo Album of Mandela's life

Video on Mandala as an activist

Video clip: The Legacy of Mandala

For Teachers - Critical reflection questions on Mandela's life

Words of Wisdom from Nelson Mandela - No wonder he is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Blog Assignment
Why is Mandela called a freedom fighter? Why did he inspire so many?
Paraphrase your favourite quote from Mandela. In a blog post explain what it means to you personally. Why should we reflect and think about the life of this great activist?


Be sure to also have all revisions for the monologue completed too. Add to Kidblog and find pictures which reflect your presentation.