Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Big Ideas and Understanding by Design

Maybe you have heard of Grant Wiggins? Maybe not?? He is an advocate and creator of the "Backward Planning" model. Hmmmm... Sound familiar now??

If not, well he is the one who created the "Understanding by Design" framework. Here is a bit about it straight from his blog, just so I don't need to summarize it!

You will note that there is stuff to sell on the site, but I think that these books seem pretty worthwhile. Anyways... off to purchase a book or two, or find out if our library has them... ;-)

Understanding by Design® (UbD™) is a framework for improving student achievement. Emphasizing the teacher's critical role as a designer of student learning, UbD™ works within the standards-driven curriculum to help teachers clarify learning goals, devise revealing assessments of student understanding, and craft effective and engaging learning activities.

  • A primary goal of education should be the development and deepening of student understanding.
  • Students reveal their understanding most effectively when they are provided with complex, authentic opportunities to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empathize, and self-assess. When applied to complex tasks, these "six facets" provide a conceptual lens through which teachers can better assess student understanding.
  • Effective curriculum development reflects a three-stage design process called "backward design" that delays the planning of classroom activities until goals have been clarified and assessments designed. This process helps to avoid the twin problems of "textbook coverage" and "activity-oriented" teaching, in which no clear priorities and purposes are apparent.
  • Student and school performance gains are achieved through regular reviews of results (achievement data and student work) followed by targeted adjustments to curriculum and instruction. Teachers become most effective when they seek feedback from students and their peers and use that feedback to adjust approaches to design and teaching.
  • Teachers, schools, and districts benefit by "working smarter" through the collaborative design, sharing, and peer review of units of study.

Be sure to also check out his Big Idea posts...

Big Ideas Blog Posts by Grant Wiggins...

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