Monday, September 26, 2011

Rubric Design Plates - Arch Goes to School

Rubric for Fundamentals of Design Plates (Mini - Posters)

10 – Design is insightful, interesting and sophisticated interpretation of text given to student. It is unique and demonstrates a great attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. The variety and the way the materials are used shows outstanding craftsmanship and attention to detail. Everything is just perfect. Nothing can be changed. Text included in visual and displayed in an interesting and creative way.

9 – Design is interesting and sophisticated interpretation of text given to student. It is unique and demonstrates a great attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. The variety and the way the materials are used shows great craftsmanship and attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed neatly.

8 - Design is an interesting interpretation of text given to student. It demonstrates some awareness and attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design principle. There is some variety in the use of materials which show good craftsmanship and some attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed.

7 - Design shows somewhat of an interpretation of text given to student. It demonstrates a little awareness of one or two of the following space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. There is some variety in the use of materials which show a little craftsmanship and little attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed – seemed to be added on.

6- Design demonstrates very little understanding of text given to student. It demonstrates very little awareness of the design principles. Materials have been used – but there is no connection to the text given. Craftsmanship show lack of care.

5 – Design is handed in… some materials were attached to the page.

4- See #5 – but extremely late.

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