Tuesday, October 12, 2010

French Oral Assessment

In the next 2 weeks we will have a french oral assessment. Students will be asked questions that relate to what we have studied in class and respond orally to a few simple questions. Students will be evaluated using the following criteria.

Level 4 - Student understands everything (all questions in french); and can respond  with at least 80% of the vocabulary taught, and has correct /very good pronounciation.

Level 3 - Student understands with a little prompting to questions in french; and can respond using at least 50-80% french phrases taught, with good pronounciation.

Level 2 - Student understands with significant prompting to questions in french; and is able to respond using some french words (responds mostly in english).

Level 1 - Student is not able to understand  (or very, very little) and cannot respond in french.

The goal is that the students experience success. They should not worry about this quiz. To prepare, they can study their notes and be familar with the content.

(Introduction handout)
1. Comment t'appelle tu? Je m'appelle...

2. Comment s'appelle ton ecole? Mon ecole est....

3. Quel age as tu? J'ai....___ ans.

4. Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Mon anniversaire est......

5. Quel est la date aujourd 'hui?  Le date aujourd 'hui est le ___ octobre, 2010 (2010 deux mille dix)

6. Comment vas tu aujourd'hui? Je suis bien/mal  or Comme ci comme ca.

7. Quel saison est octobre? L'automne.

8. Ou habites-tu? Je habite au Regina, Sask...

9. Quel est ton numero de telephone? Mon numero de telephone est...

10. Quelle est ton adresse? Mon adresse est.... (Street is "rue" and Road is "Chemin")

11. Quelle est ta nourriture preferee? Je prefer... / J'adore.... / J'aime....

12. A quelle heure est-ce que tu te leves? Je me leve a 7heure.

13. Quels sont les membres de ta famille? J'ai ____ personnes dans ma famille.

14. Comment ca va? ca va bien/ ca va mal/ comme si comme ca.

15. How do you say... thank you, excuse me, good night, see you later, please, hello, good bye
(see your notes or "google it" see the french/english dictionary)

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