Monday, June 14, 2010

Viewing Questions

The following Viewing Questions can be printed off. They go with the blog titled, "Say No to Plastic"

ELA – Viewing Questions “Step Up” Videos

Video Slideshow – “Yours Truly, BP”

1. What did BP CEO, Tony Hayward say about how much oil has escaped?

2. How do the following 2 images contrast what he said?

3. State one other quote from the video.

4. What is the overall message of the video? How does the creator paint this picture?

5. How do the lyrics of the song help to send the message?

“Rich Fish”

1. What is the “bright side” stated in the video?

2. How much “money” could each fish have coated on them?

3. When fish have been coated with oil twice, what did the spokesperson say was the “appropriate phrase”?

4. What was the final comment from the spokesperson? “We’re not spilling _______, we are spreading ___________________ around.”

5. Explain why this video is a “spoof” of an actual BP apology video.

“Say No to Plastic” video with catchy music…

Complete the phrases…

1. “No Matter ____________________, what you _______ affects our _____________.

2. Why are the oceans in peril (danger)? We use _______________________________.

3. Every year, Americans throw away _______ million plastic ____________________.

4. Worldwide, we go through 10 ________________ plastic bags per week.

5. We create enough plastic film to shrinkwrap ________________ (name of American state).

6. Every piece of plastic ever made _____________________________.

7. Every piece of plastic ends up in the ______________.

8. List 2 ways you can help save the oceans.

“The Story of Bottled Water” (2010)
1. What is manufactured demand?

2. Which product do people usually prefer in taste tests? Bottled or tap?

3. How much more does bottled water cost in comparison to tap? _____________ times more.

4. How did the bottled water industry create manufactured demand?

a. Make people ____________ about tap water.

b. Create fantasy by __________________________________.

c. Bottled water is especially bad because bottled water containers are made of ____________________. This substance is made from __________________.
d. Energy is used to make the bottle, more energy is used to ship it around the planet, then we drink it about ________minutes.

5. Where do all the recycled bottles go?

6. What does downcycle mean? Bottles turned into __________ quality products that are later thrown away.

7. How can you “take back the tap”? Name 2 ways.

8. Around the world a__________________ people do not have access to clean water.
“Charles Moore – The Great Pacific Plastic Trash Island” (2009)

1. What was “throw away living”? Why was it "celebrated"?

2. There are 2 _______________plastic beverage bottles are used in the US every 5 minutes.

3. Off of Baha, California there is a bottle depo, which is very close to a bird sanctuary. What is scattered all over the beaches?

4. Hundreds of thousands of albatross chicks are dying from eating something in the oceans. Describe the contents of what the Laysan albatross chicks are eating.

5. Why do they eat these things?

6. There is more _____________ than plankton in many areas of the ocean.

7. Why can fisherman NOT sell organic fish that has been caught wild in the ocean?

8. Moore believes you ________________ clean up the oceans, but he believes people can help by…

9. Plastic is not purified when it is recycled. Therefore it cannot be recycled to make high quality consumer products. What does this mean to you?

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