Monday, June 13, 2011

Social Handouts - Answers

Good links... of Government in Canada
National Political Parties...
1. a) political party: a group of people who believe in the same policies towards running a country.
b) party platform: policies and issues the party wants to improve or introduce.
c) multi-party political system: several political parties represent the people in the House of Commons.
d) Prime Minister: leader of the party who won the election.
e) Official Opposition: party with the second largest number of seats (2nd in the election).
f) Leader of the Opposition: leader of the party with the 2nd number of seats.
g) Grits: nickname for the Liberals.
h) Tories: nickname for the Conservatives.
2. The main parties are: Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal, The New Democratic Party - NDP, The Bloc Quebecois

How Political Parties are Organized... p = paragraph
p.1- individual members; organizations; chieftains; local; provincial; national
p. 2- poll association; party members; "machine"; election; voters; knock; promote; campaign; talk; signs; polling
p. 3- conventions; party; members; officials; platform; policies
p. 4- campaign; donated; war chest; Members; industry; businesses; unions; wealthy
p. 5- doomed; party's; nerves; feel; flexible; calm

Who are the Back benchers?
1. The backbenchers are the members of the governing party who are not in the cabinet, they are not in charge of a ministry... Ie: Finance, Citizenship and Immigration...

2. Backbenchers sit directly behind the seats of the Cabinet Ministers.

3. The cabinet ministers need the back benchers' support because they need them to support and vote for policies that they have proposed.

4. A backbenchers job can be difficult because, they want to support the policies of the government, but must not adopt policies that will upset the voters from his/her constituency (people who elected the M.P.)

5. A backbencher makes his/her supporters' views known during caucus (meetings) held for party members in the House of Commons and in the Senate each week.

6. If a backbencher disagrees with the governments policy and votes against his/her own leader - they may be forced to resign.
Who is the Opposition Party?
1. The opposition party is important because it's the second largest number of seats in the House of Commons - and they help to add a voice to all voters... or question the elected government.
2. The opposition in the Government today is the NDP - leader, Jack Layton.
3. The main purpose of the leader of the opposition is ask questions and keep the government "in check".
4. The main purpose of the opposition party is to research or find out how all voters think and keep the gov in check.
5. The part of each daily session that the opposition party likes is Question Period - debate... During this time the Opposition can ask the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the M.P.'s who are Ministers) about bills and issues.

Civil Service

1. The civil service is so important because they do work for government and the citizens of Canada.

2. The types of jobs that may be civil servant jobs are: typists, doctors, nurses, teachers, secretaries, computer programmers, lawyers, painters... etc.

3. If there were no civil servants, the government would not run or function.

4. The Cabinet Ministers depend on civil servants to run the departments, therefore, the government would not function without civil servants.

5. Civil servants do routine, but specialized trained jobs and are experts in their field.
Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House
1. The Speaker of the House of Commons is elected by the members of Parliament by secret ballot.

2. The Speaker looks very dignified in his/her black robes and tricorn hat worn in processions.

3. The sitting in the House of Commons begins with the Speaker's Parade.

4. The Speaker of the Senate is appointed by the Governor General.

5. At the beginning of each day, the Speaker says a prayer before he/she is seated.

6. The Sergeant at Arms carries the Mace at the beginning of the Parade.

7. The Speaker sits in a very large ornately carved armchair in the House. (House of Commons or House of the Senate)

8. Members of Parliament show respect to the Speaker by bowing and speaking politely.

9. The Speaker must make sure there is order in the House and the members follow Parliamentary procedures.

10. The Speaker cannot show any favouritism toward any party.

The Opening of Parliament
4, 6, 18, 1, 7, 12, 17, 2, 13, 3, 8, 14, 9, 5, 15, 16, 11, 10

A Working Day in the House of Commons
1. Routine Proceedings
2. Question Period
3. Member's Statement
4. Private Members Business
5. Routine Proceedings
6. Government orders
7. Question Period
8. Member's Statements
9. Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers Period
10. Government Orders
11. Caucus

French Oral Evaluation

French Presentation Oral Assignment: In partners or groups up to 4 people, you will translate a simple recipe, and present this recipe "cooking show" style in front of the class. You  must be prepared with the ingredients, any utensils, etc... or come with the food already prepared and explain what you did to make the recipe... PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECIPES SIMPLE... WE DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A STOVE... OR COOK AT HOME AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DID AS A PRESENTATION AT SCHOOL. If you have many students in a group (example 4 students) then you can prepare 2 simple recipes.
If you are not prepared with the ingredients or necessary cooking tools, you will present your recipe to the best of your ability and "pretend" to prepare this recipe. The main objective is to evaluate your french, not how elaborate you are at cooking. Therefore EACH PERSON MUST SAY AT LEAST 4 PHRASES IN FRENCH.

How do you get started??
1. Write the recipe - ingredients and instructions in English... Make the instructions in simple steps.

2. Translate, using some of the basic french phrases taught in class.
3. Add other presentation elements such as an introduction and conclusion.
When do I do this??
Check the Homework Page of this blog... for your presentation dates. For Ms. S-M's class - Monday, June 20th and Tuesday, June 21st.
What if I can't be there to present?
You will pretend to "prepare" the food and present at recess by yourself or have another student who part of your group present with you.

Vocabulary to Help you... same as what is given in class...
en morceaux - small pieces

en morceau - piece

moitie - half of

tranches - slice

en deux - in two/half
Collation - snack

Placer - to place

Couper - to cut

Ajouter - to add

Melanger - to mix
du - some

des - some

dans - in

sur - on

bol - bowl

plate - assiette
knife - couteau
spoon - cuillere
glass - verre
Je m'appelle ________. (introduce everyone)
Aujourd 'hui, je vais preparer un collation pour mes amis.
La recette, nous allons preparer est "_____________"
Pour la recette, je besoin... (list ingredients and cooking tools)
1. 2. 3. .....
Les instructions, je besoin pour la recette aujourd 'hui...
1. 2. 3. ....

Recipe - Triangle Nutritif **** Use these words to help you.... Note that the directions could be easily changed and used in your recipe.

1. Etaler du beurre d'arachide sur 2 tranches de pain.
2. Placer des raisins secs et des tranches de pomme sur une tranche de pain.
3. Ajouter l'autre tranche de pain.
4. Couper le sandwich en 2 triangles.

Other comments...
C'est nutritif!
Voila, c'est fini!!
C'est facile, n'est-ce pas?
C'est delicieux!
C'est creatif, n'est-ce pas?
EVALUATION... *Same Rubric as what was used in Term 1 and 2 for Oral French... however, keep in mind that the evaluation is individual, there is only a small group part of the evaluation which is Preparation. This rubric is on the French page of this blog.