Monday, June 13, 2011

French Oral Evaluation

French Presentation Oral Assignment: In partners or groups up to 4 people, you will translate a simple recipe, and present this recipe "cooking show" style in front of the class. You  must be prepared with the ingredients, any utensils, etc... or come with the food already prepared and explain what you did to make the recipe... PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECIPES SIMPLE... WE DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A STOVE... OR COOK AT HOME AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DID AS A PRESENTATION AT SCHOOL. If you have many students in a group (example 4 students) then you can prepare 2 simple recipes.
If you are not prepared with the ingredients or necessary cooking tools, you will present your recipe to the best of your ability and "pretend" to prepare this recipe. The main objective is to evaluate your french, not how elaborate you are at cooking. Therefore EACH PERSON MUST SAY AT LEAST 4 PHRASES IN FRENCH.

How do you get started??
1. Write the recipe - ingredients and instructions in English... Make the instructions in simple steps.

2. Translate, using some of the basic french phrases taught in class.
3. Add other presentation elements such as an introduction and conclusion.
When do I do this??
Check the Homework Page of this blog... for your presentation dates. For Ms. S-M's class - Monday, June 20th and Tuesday, June 21st.
What if I can't be there to present?
You will pretend to "prepare" the food and present at recess by yourself or have another student who part of your group present with you.

Vocabulary to Help you... same as what is given in class...
en morceaux - small pieces

en morceau - piece

moitie - half of

tranches - slice

en deux - in two/half
Collation - snack

Placer - to place

Couper - to cut

Ajouter - to add

Melanger - to mix
du - some

des - some

dans - in

sur - on

bol - bowl

plate - assiette
knife - couteau
spoon - cuillere
glass - verre
Je m'appelle ________. (introduce everyone)
Aujourd 'hui, je vais preparer un collation pour mes amis.
La recette, nous allons preparer est "_____________"
Pour la recette, je besoin... (list ingredients and cooking tools)
1. 2. 3. .....
Les instructions, je besoin pour la recette aujourd 'hui...
1. 2. 3. ....

Recipe - Triangle Nutritif **** Use these words to help you.... Note that the directions could be easily changed and used in your recipe.

1. Etaler du beurre d'arachide sur 2 tranches de pain.
2. Placer des raisins secs et des tranches de pomme sur une tranche de pain.
3. Ajouter l'autre tranche de pain.
4. Couper le sandwich en 2 triangles.

Other comments...
C'est nutritif!
Voila, c'est fini!!
C'est facile, n'est-ce pas?
C'est delicieux!
C'est creatif, n'est-ce pas?
EVALUATION... *Same Rubric as what was used in Term 1 and 2 for Oral French... however, keep in mind that the evaluation is individual, there is only a small group part of the evaluation which is Preparation. This rubric is on the French page of this blog.

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