Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Grade 8's - if you have overdoes, you've had a chat with me. Make sure you are keeping your parents in the "loop" and remember I can help you after school!!

Homework... keep up with blogging especially comments for the Pink Day Blog posting on kidblog.org/missiontomakeamark

How Will You Make Peace?

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d4jS-Iztz6axOvEllTMEoiMfUJQCan_2LOCfIoFeb94/edit?usp=sharingPeace Day Pledge... How can we encourage peace assignment... Google Doc... Download and print.

As we near Remembrance Day, I started thinking about sacrifices that our veterans made for us. I also started thinking about how lucky we are to live in a country where we can truly live in peace. However, I sometimes wonder if we take our peace for granted. I wonder if I take peace for granted... Do I live in a peaceful way or do do I allow for peace in my life? Am I making choices which allow others to live peacefully?

 Have you ever wondered if we could have a day of peace?

What would this look like around the world? Could world leaders do it? Why should we care about peace around the world??

Check out the Peace One Day Website. Navigate, explore and examine the main message...

WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT?? Summarize the 5W's of Peace Day...
Who is the founder?
What is it all about?
Where will people be expected to carry out the mission?
When is the targeted date for Peace One Day? When are people expected to aim for peace?
Why was it created? (Why will it make a difference?)
How will it make a difference in the world if we are all aware?

Watch the video on the home page from Jeremy Gilles, founder of Peace One Day, as he examines the possibility.

Consider the following questions after you watch the video...

Who will you make peace with? What does it mean to make peace in our daily lives? Even if we do not live in a place of violence, why is it important for all of us to strive for peace in our daily lives?? How can we show peace at home, in school, on the playground, digitally or on-line??

Watch the video... The Day After Peace

This website all connects to our current article in Language Arts. Think about the message of the new story and how it connects to the Peace One Day Movement.

Peace One Day the Journey

As a tribute to making a conscious effort to make peace in our lives, we are going to create "Pledges for Peace" Where you will create a written pledge on how you plan on making an effort to allow for peace in your life and for those around you. Rather than just composing a blog about it, you are going to write your pledge, then record your voice using an on-line site called Vocaroo. We will then embed your Pledge for Peace in either a Wordle or an image that reflects your pledge using a site called Thinglink. I know it sounds crazy... we'll make it happen!