So in the classroom, I've used Kidblog, Prezi, Glogster, Voki, Wordle, Google Sketch Up, Animoto, Xtranormal, Fakebook... and many others. So what else is there out there? And yes, I am in constant search of good, easy-to-use Classroom 2.0 tools, to captivate, engage and spark creativity.... Sorry my future students... I just LOVE stuff like this! Of course I will plan on exploring more out there...And by the way, to my past students, sorry for sometimes causing you frustration over the years as I explore all the applications of these tools. You know me... I'm always looking for ways to use the computer, make you think (or make you work) and make you my Ed Tech guinea pigs! Just so you know, I have enjoyed learning with you along the way. So thank you for your enthusiasm, energy and willingness to explore and take risks with technology!
So here are some sites I want to use in the future... The criteria I look for is...
Cost... FREE is BETTER especially with limited budgets...
Multi-use - How many ways can I use the site?? How many subjects can this be used for?
Ease - How much frustration may be caused using this Web 2.0 tool?
Instead of using Facebook for teaching, try Fakebook! Just remember to save regularly and check out the Tips page to assist you!
Like Twitter only Fake! Think about creating fake tweets from a character and linking them to your blog or maybe even your Fakebook!
QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator...
Perhaps go beyond the traditional Treasure Hunt. Try this generator to leave positive messages for Religion or Wellness... Or even use it for English Language Arts Projects with Representing...
Think ELA and sharing views on a novel chapter or section. Book talk groups can give their feedback to the selected reading, and explore their thoughts, insights, connections... so many possibilities!
Lots of ways to use the site... I've seen other sites like this however...
So teachers can avoid advertising or questionable material on the web, this can be especially important if you are trying to direct student attention to specific ideas minus the "clutter"... Students could potentially use it to help organize jot notes or information taken from different sites... Hmmm, got to think further about this one.
Kind of a know it all site of videos for learning in the USA... not a lot of world or er... Canadian content (not sure if I saw any...), but there are quite a few links to NOVA and PBS which are usually pretty interesting.
Skill Builders ...
A great "arcade" of learning games - Note they can be used for the IPAD... supercool! Skills focus on Math, spelling and even typing!
Check out you can create strange and unsettling voice animated pictures like the samples on this blog!
Want a Plethora of great tools for the classroom? Check out
It is honestly a One-Stop-Shop for cool Ed Tech Tools! This was my favourite find this year of cool tech tools for learning.
Lots of great stuff at the following....
If you find anything else worth noting, please tweet me @jstewiestewie