What does it Mean to be a Child Labourer???
Read the article on the link above. Answer the following questions. Print out and complete the questions.
Iqbal Becomes a Slave...
1. How old was Iqbal when he started his first day at the carpet factory?
2. What is his salary?
3. What is the most he would make as a salary in his first 5 years?
4. What is the advance that Iqbal's mother takes from Arshad Ghullah called? Why does she need an advance? How much does he own now? What does he owe now? What impact does it have on his life?
5. What does he mumble before he sleeps? Why is this significant?
Iqbal's Beloved Sister
6. How does Iqbal's job as a carpet labourer impact his sister, Sobia? What does this say about how child labour affects the whole family?
Iqbal Runs Away
7. What event causes Iqbal to finally make the decision to run away? How does this event demonstrate the total loss of humanity and human rights?
8. Iqbal and some other boys decide to run away. When they do this they are beaten with a carpet fork. Why do they risk everything to play all day? What happens to them?
Cricket With Problems
9. What does it mean to the lives of Iqbal and Shafiq when they are considered "debt slaves"? What does this term mean to their lives as children?
Pakistani Wedding - Wedding Necklace for an Indentured Slave
10. How does Aslam's wedding impact Iqbal? How did Ghuliah take advantage of Iqbal's family?
Towards Freedom
11. How does the "Bonded Labour Abolition Act" impact Iqbal?
12. What is a "freedom letter"? What is Ghuliah's reaction?
Iqbal Begin's School
13. How do you know that school is very important to Iqbal? What does he do to demonstrate this? Be specific. (Examine the photos and read the article).
Iqbal's School Party
14. Describe how a school party differs in Pakistan from one here. Create a Venn Diagram to help in the comparison.
15. How has Iqbal's education shaped him in becoming an "idol" for other debt slave children like him?
Iqbal Gives Other Children Courage
16. How does Iqbal inspire other children to do things they wouldn't normally do? How does he inspire his sister?
Iqbal's Bundle
17. What did Iqbal carry in a special bundle? What does this say about him and his faith? How do you think that faith helped Iqbal?
Check out the Teacher Tube video created by a student on child labourer activist, Iqbal Masih
Video from Catholic News Agency
Video of Iqbal Masih's Speech (I think it's reinacted or from a movie)....
Craig Kielburger ... person who started Free the Children and activist inspired by the actions of Iqbal Masih...
Documentary - What Can One Person Do to Make a Difference and Seek Justice?
"It Takes a Child..."- Craig Kielburger's Story...
Free the Children Information