Wednesday, June 16, 2010

French Vacation Assignment
* Individual assignment
* Powerpoint or a glog (must have a glog account already set up with me)
* Word Doc. - Report with pictures
Glogs - Post (Save and Publish) at
Powerpoints - e-mail to me at or

Tasks - Include information on the following:
1. Flight times and destination (round trip)
2. Other transportation - trains, buses, taxis, tour buses
3. hotels, hostels, places to stay
4. 10 tourist attractions (museums, historical sites, theme parks, fun activities
5. plan for at least 3 activities that you will do.
6. Include 5 restaurants that you will visit.
7. Write in French - 50% or half of the sentences must be written by YOU not a translator program. For mor complex sentences, you may use googletranslator to help you.

Sentences - Use the handout: "Vive Les Vacances" it has most of the vocabulary that you will need.
Basic verb structure:  Je vais ... (I'm going ... FUTUR PROCHE tense)
Ex: Je vais visiter....( I am going to visit...)
Je vais manger a ... (I am going to eat at ... (the a has the accent on it).
Je vais prendre un promenade sur la plage. (I am going to take a walk on the beach).
Je vais prendre un autobus (I am going to tak a bus)
Je vais prendre un metro (....... subway)
Je vais faire un randonnee ( I am going to do a hike)
Je vais acheter un aller et retour (I am going to buy a round trip ticket).
Je vais arriver a l'aeroport a:________(time in blank) - (I am going to arrive at the airport at:___)
Je vais arriver a ______________( name of place you are going).
J'ai visiter l'agence de voyage (I visited the travel agency).
Je vais faire de la natation (I am going to go swimming)
Je vais faire du roller.
Je vais faire de la natation
Je vais faire du ski nautique
Je vais faire du snow-boarding
Je vais faire une promenade.
Je vais prendre un autobus.
Je vais prendre un autocar
Je vais prendre un avion
Je vais prendre un bateau

Je suis monter a la montagne (I  climb a mountain)
J'ai fait du bronzage (I suntanned).
J'ai lu des livres. (I read books)
J'ai fait du camping
J'ai nage dans la piscine
J'ai voyage. (I travelled)
J'ai pris des photos (I took photos)
Je suis alle a la peche (I went fishing)
J'ai fait du sport (I played some sports)
J'ai marche dans le foret (I walked in the forest)
J'ai mange dans les restaurants. (I ate in restaurants)
J'ai fait du velo ( I cycled)
J'ai fait un voyage dans les montagnes. (I travelled in the mountains).
1. Content:  all tasks listed above are included.  /10
2. Sentences - At least 1/2 of the sentences are written by the student and relate to the activities or vacation. The other sentences may be written with the aid of a translator site. /10
3. Mechanics - Correct spelling, capitalization, grammar, punctuation.  /5
4. Vocabulary reflects learning in class or use of resources from class and other resources. Correct French names of countries or cities. /5
4 Layout and Design - Pictures that show activities or attractions of the place. All attractively designed. /10

TOTAL - /40

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