Wednesday, April 30, 2014
We are starting organizational preparations for Farewell. The grade 8's are asked to bring a baby or a childhood picture for the slideshow. If students have photos that are from St. Francis School either this year, or years gone by, they may also submit them for the slideshow.
They may send this to me via or bring in the actual photo for scanning.
All photos are needed before next Friday, May 9th.
We are also forming student committees to assist in planning the Farewell, as many of the students have fantastic ideas. Students may join the following committees:
1. Farewell Slideshow & the Digital Yearbook
2. Decoration Creation (Silhouettes, Memory Stars, Stage decorating, Other??)
3. Technology Set Up (mics, data projector, lighting)
4. Gym Set Up (stage, chairs, assist with decorating)
5. Snacks - Organizing snacks (who is bringing what... note the tradition is grade 7 students, but this needs to be explored).
Other?? Feel free to offer input, if you have ideas.
Please sign up in the classroom. Information is posted.
Parents are also welcome to join in with any of the committees above! The help is always appreciated.
The date for the Farewell is June 19th at the school.
Persuasive graphic organizer for 5 slide partner presentation (see blog for more info)
Main idea identifier graphic organizer for analyzing persuasive essays
Wednesday and Thursday (April 30 and May 1st) must start 5 slide persuasive presentation. (Students may use Google Slideshow, Powerpoint or Prezi).
Start presentations Friday and continue on Monday.
Students must submit slides and persuasive presentation essay presentation.
All Dystopian Assignments are Overdue, this includes:
Kidblog responses,
Dystopian Visual Dictionaries
Edmodo blog posts
Fakebook final projects
*Students are expected to do complete these in the next week. Overdue lists are posted in the classroom for student reference. It is not acceptable for students to "take a 0%", but instead try their best to complete the assignment.
Vocabulary test Weds (summer and winter olympic sports)
Sochi booklet due Weds (students will self evaluate). There will be a teacher evaluation as well.
Persuasive graphic organizer for 5 slide partner presentation (see blog for more info)
Main idea identifier graphic organizer for analyzing persuasive essays
Wednesday and Thursday (April 30 and May 1st) must start 5 slide persuasive presentation. (Students may use Google Slideshow, Powerpoint or Prezi).
Start presentations Friday and continue on Monday.
Students must submit slides and persuasive presentation essay presentation.
All Dystopian Assignments are Overdue, this includes:
Kidblog responses,
Dystopian Visual Dictionaries
Edmodo blog posts
Fakebook final projects
*Students are expected to do complete these in the next week. Overdue lists are posted in the classroom for student reference. It is not acceptable for students to "take a 0%", but instead try their best to complete the assignment.
Vocabulary test Weds (summer and winter olympic sports)
Sochi booklet due Weds (students will self evaluate). There will be a teacher evaluation as well.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Persuasive Book Talk
In the next couple weeks, you should be finished the book you chose for AR testing this month. You will be creating a Persuasive Book Talk Presentation, where you will either try to convince us to "READ IT or LEAVE IT".
The book must be one that is within your reading level (see the AR colour dots on your folder), and be one that you have tested on this year (January 1st to May).
Your presentation may be at least 5 slides and be created using Powerpoint, Google Slideshow, or Prezi.
Your presentation must be approximately 2 minutes.
In the presentation you must use at least 2 techniques for persuading that we discussed in class... (Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Big Names etc...).
In the Book Talk Presentation, you need to explore the plot, character development and interactions (protagonist, antagonist and supporting characters, setting, tone, climax and author's message, but DO NOT give any spoilers!!
The book must be one that is within your reading level (see the AR colour dots on your folder), and be one that you have tested on this year (January 1st to May).
Your presentation may be at least 5 slides and be created using Powerpoint, Google Slideshow, or Prezi.
Your presentation must be approximately 2 minutes.
In the presentation you must use at least 2 techniques for persuading that we discussed in class... (Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Big Names etc...).
In the Book Talk Presentation, you need to explore the plot, character development and interactions (protagonist, antagonist and supporting characters, setting, tone, climax and author's message, but DO NOT give any spoilers!!
We will start presenting May 23rd.
Late Edmodo Assignments
If you have not yet finished your Interschool Blogging Assignments... It's not too late, yet!
See the link below to get the questions for each Weekly Topic you might be missing.
Edmodo Questions for the Dystopian Book Club...
If you have not yet posted all of your Edmodo assignments, please post to Kidblog (not Edmodo) and I will read them. ~ Ms. Stewie
Even though the interschool blogging project is completed, you still have to do these assignments. The overdues are posted in the classroom.
See the link below to get the questions for each Weekly Topic you might be missing.
Edmodo Questions for the Dystopian Book Club...
If you have not yet posted all of your Edmodo assignments, please post to Kidblog (not Edmodo) and I will read them. ~ Ms. Stewie
Even though the interschool blogging project is completed, you still have to do these assignments. The overdues are posted in the classroom.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Last Today's Meet
The Interschool Digital Dystopian Book Club Last Today’s Meet Discussion!
It's our last chat!!!
Take a moment to watch a video based on our project. This short video sums up some of the issues and questions we explored, activities from the unit, and finally your reactions. The project was very well received by teachers who attended to Digital EdCamp a couple weeks ago. Teachers from all over Saskatchewan who are interested in using technology attended the conference and were quite excited to see what you did. You are famous… well among Saskatchewan teachers! ;-)
Video link “The Interschool Digital Dystopian Book Club Project”
**Allow for time to load. It takes awhile.
Before you start the chat, think about what Faction you would be in. Now find out if you are right. Take the What Faction Are You? Divergent test. It will only take about 4-5 minutes.
Divergent Aptitude Test
Questions to consider…
A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to attend Divergent and meet F2F (face to face) all the other students from St Gabriel and Deshaye who were in our Dystopian Book Club! What a fantastic day!!
Anyways, for our last Today's Meet Live Chat... We are going to discuss your questions! Today’s questions were taken from the survey (Survey Monkey) as well as questions that you may have explored with your teacher after the movie, Divergent. Before we begin, we just want to thank you for your participation, engagement and excellent work you did in this project. Thank you again for taking the time to complete the survey! As teachers it is really important that we have an understanding of your thoughts from the project.
Thanks again for your time and for the honest feedback!
After watching the movie, there were a few themes or messages that seemed to come up. These questions included:
What faction were you? Were you surprised by the result? Is the test accurate?
Is categorizing people the answer to peace in society??
Why is conformity an easy answer to society's problems? How is it not a solution?
Is being "Divergent" a benefit to society? In a dystopian society or even our society?
What do you think “Divergent” would be in our society? Who are the divergent people in our society?
What message can we take away from the movie?
In the movie it was said that, “humanity is driven to destruction”. Is humanity really driven to destruction? What are your thoughts?
How is this film (and book!) and example of dystopia?
What characteristics from our Dystopian References do you have to back up your thoughts? How was Tris a Dystopian Protagonist?
What other questions can we explore? Add them to the chat! Jot note them on your paper or remember to share them during the chat.
Lastly, after exploring a few connections between dystopian trends in our society and our novels, do you agree or disagree that our world is becoming dystopian? Are there any recent events that make you feel this way? What is it about the event that connects to this theme?
What do YOU think we can do in our own lives to ensure that we do not head down one of the many paths of dystopia? What trend in our society is one we must consider the most in preventing dystopia?
Edmodo Questions for the Dystopian Book Club...
If you have not yet posted all of your Edmodo assignments, please post to Kidblog (not Edmodo) and I will read them. Ms. Stewie
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Homework and Easter
Reminders to students who have not completed homework and have been notified. Please complete and hand in after the holidays, before it gets away on you!
Tomorrow will be our last Today's Meet from the Interschool Dystopian Book Club Project. Please be sure to make any last touches to your Fakebook, as I have yet to finalize marking the project. I have had a chance to work with and chat with many of you about your project, or leave comments on your kidblog. So please take the time to act on these recommendations. We are all busy, but this was a major project, so take a little time to finalize what you need to.
In terms of the Pink Day Persuasive 5 Slide Partner Assignment (see previous blog post), this will not be due over the holidays. We will resume when you return. I think this project will be interdisciplinary and incorporate Health. If some of you are interested in working on the project over the holidays, Google Docs (slide show) is definitely the way to go with collaborating. I will explain tomorrow. Or... You can use prezi and share an account with your partner.
Thank you to the Teacher Liturgy Team that put on the wonderful "Sensory Stations of the Cross" activity. What a memorable experience! Thank you also to the students who took the time to pray and reflect on the stations and who were respectful of the sacrifices that Jesus made for us.
Have a wonderful Easter everyone. Remember no school on Friday, as it is Good Friday. Take a moment to pray on Good Friday. Perhaps watch a video or powerpoint. See below.
If you have a moment take a look at a powerpoint for the Stations of the Cross...
Click on the link below and view the Stations of the Cross Powerpoint...
Tomorrow will be our last Today's Meet from the Interschool Dystopian Book Club Project. Please be sure to make any last touches to your Fakebook, as I have yet to finalize marking the project. I have had a chance to work with and chat with many of you about your project, or leave comments on your kidblog. So please take the time to act on these recommendations. We are all busy, but this was a major project, so take a little time to finalize what you need to.
In terms of the Pink Day Persuasive 5 Slide Partner Assignment (see previous blog post), this will not be due over the holidays. We will resume when you return. I think this project will be interdisciplinary and incorporate Health. If some of you are interested in working on the project over the holidays, Google Docs (slide show) is definitely the way to go with collaborating. I will explain tomorrow. Or... You can use prezi and share an account with your partner.
Thank you to the Teacher Liturgy Team that put on the wonderful "Sensory Stations of the Cross" activity. What a memorable experience! Thank you also to the students who took the time to pray and reflect on the stations and who were respectful of the sacrifices that Jesus made for us.
Have a wonderful Easter everyone. Remember no school on Friday, as it is Good Friday. Take a moment to pray on Good Friday. Perhaps watch a video or powerpoint. See below.
If you have a moment take a look at a powerpoint for the Stations of the Cross...
Click on the link below and view the Stations of the Cross Powerpoint...
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Dayplan and French links
French Jouer et Faire Presentations
French Jouer et Faire Presentations
Watch slide shows…
C) next lesson how to share your opinion about sports!
Slide show of lesson
C) next lesson how to share your opinion about sports!
Slide show of lesson
Day of Pink Partner Persuasive Writing Lesson
Part A. REVIEW THE POWERPOINT "The Art of Persuasion". Focus on the format of the persuasive essay.
Part B. In partners you are going to take your brainstormed notes that you previously made regarding getting students to care about Pink Shirt Day, and organize them into an Outline for an Essay.
The Art of Persuasive Writing PowerPoint - ReadWriteThink
*Click on the title above to download "Art of Persuasive Writing" Powerpoint.
To assist you in organizing your thoughts, you will use the Read
Write Think Interactive Persuasive Writing Map... See link below.
Read through the steps below. They will help walk you through the
Persuasive Writing Map.
Persuasive Writing Map - You can complete on-line then print
1. First, think about why you are writing this essay. What are you trying to prove?
Go back to the question, and think about what you believe in.
How can you show you care with a colour? Why should you show you care?
Now, write your thesis. What will be the point of your essay?
What will you will prove? What point are you trying to argue about Pink Shirt Day?
See the example...
This will be the basic outline for your essay. Imagine the Persuasion Map Below,
completed with your arguments. If you make a mistake, you can go back.
Be sure to complete all aspects of the map. Do not skip steps.
If you take the time to complete the map, the easier it will be to write the essay.
To assist you in organizing your thoughts, you will use the Read
Write Think Interactive Persuasive Writing Map... See link below.
Read through the steps below. They will help walk you through the
Persuasive Writing Map.
Persuasive Writing Map - You can complete on-line then print
1. First, think about why you are writing this essay. What are you trying to prove?
Go back to the question, and think about what you believe in.
How can you show you care with a colour? Why should you show you care?
Why should people care about supporting pink shirt day? Imagine a fellow peer says that they don't care about pink shirt day, and that they don't understand how can wearing pink make a difference. What would you say to them to change their mind? In partners, brainstorm some convincing reasons to care, using at least 4 different persuasion techniques that we've studied; such as claims, pathos, logos or research. You have permission to go on line to quickly access some facts or statistics to support your reasons.
Once you have your reasons, order your arguments in terms of strength, and jot note supporting ideas to go with each technique to be more convincing. Finally decide on the best way to the grab attention of your peers. We will be using the Persuasion Interactive Organizer to help you in organizing your ideas. See the other blog posts.
Now, write your thesis. What will be the point of your essay?
What will you will prove? What point are you trying to argue about Pink Shirt Day?
See the example...
2. Second, go back to your brainstorm and decide which points you are going
present in your argument as reasons. Examine your brainstorm, what point stands
3. Rewrite three main reasons that would convince someone that your thesis is
valid (which means good or correct).
4. Now for that first reason, think of 3 facts or examples which will support
your argument.
5. Think of 3 supporting facts or examples for Reason 2 and 3. Repeat the same
6. Finally in the Conclusion, you will write 2 sentences that will summarize your
argument and wrap up the essay. These closing arguments will briefly restate
your main points that you previously explored.
This will be the basic outline for your essay. Imagine the Persuasion Map Below,
completed with your arguments. If you make a mistake, you can go back.
Be sure to complete all aspects of the map. Do not skip steps.
If you take the time to complete the map, the easier it will be to write the essay.
Part C. 5 Slide Presentations
You are going to Persuade Members of the Class to care about your stance
on PINK SHIRT DAY. Rather than write an essay, you are going to create a 5 Slide
Presentation on reasons why people should (or shouldn't) care about supporting
Pink Shirt Day.
We will be using the following handout to assist in creating this 5 slide presentation.
Use the Outline you already created to assist you! Remember that the images
you chose for the presentation should reflect Pink Shirt Day and explore Anti-
Bullying messages. Please be considerate and sensitive when selecting images
for your presentation, as this is quite a serious topic.
Here's a link...
After you complete your outline, explore the Five Slide Persuasive Rubric
so that you understand how you will be evaluated in persuasive presentation.
***** Note the duration of the presentation will be between 2-3 minutes.
Please ignore this aspect of the rubric, as I will not be evaluating as strictly as what
is indicated here!! :-)
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Pink Shirt Day
Got a QR Code Scan App? Videos for Pink Shirt Day...
Pink Shirt Day

Mean Stinks Promo

Mean Stinks Video - Meanomophosis

Cyber Bullying Virus Video

Show you care with a colour!
Pink Shirt Day
Mean Stinks Promo
Mean Stinks Video - Meanomophosis
Cyber Bullying Virus Video
Show you care with a colour!
Why should people care about supporting pink shirt day? Imagine a fellow peer says that they don't care about pink shirt day, and that they don't understand how can wearing pink make a difference. What would you say to them to change their mind? In partners, brainstorm some convincing reasons to care, using at least 4 different persuasion techniques that we've studied; such as claims, pathos, logos or research. You have permission to go on line to quickly access some facts or statistics to support your reasons.
Once you have your reasons, order your arguments in terms of strength, and jot note supporting ideas to go with each technique to be more convincing. Finally decide on the best way to the grab attention of your peers. We will be using the Persuasion Interactive Organizer to help you in organizing your ideas. See the other blog posts.
Monday, April 7, 2014
School Reminders
St. Francis Community School – Reminders for Monday, April 7th
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 8th
Thursday, April 10th
12:45 pm Reconciliation Liturgy and Examination of Conscience for all classes. Families are welcome to join us.
Friday, April 11th
9:45 am Reconciliation for grades 4 – 8 in the gym with Father John and guest priests. Families are welcome to join us.
Monday, April 14th
11:00 am Palm Sunday Liturgy. Families are welcome to join us.
Tuesday, April 15th
7:00 pm – CSCC Meeting (Catholic School Community Council). Parents are invited to attend.
Wednesday, April 16th
A Lenten Retreat will be held in the morning for the entire school.
Friday, April 18th to Friday, April 25th – No School Classes resume on Monday, April 28th at 9:20 am
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 8th
Grade 8 Farewell photos will be taken in the morning. Students are reminded to
bring the class composite order form with $10.00. It is recommended a white
blouse for females and a white collared shirt and dark ties for males.
Spring photos will also be taken all day. Siblings will be photographed
individually and as a pair or group. Just indicate siblings and grade on the
Lifetouch Portraits flyer, also indicating desired pose. Flyers were sent home last
Wednesday, April 9th
Thursday, April 10th
12:45 pm Reconciliation Liturgy and Examination of Conscience for all classes. Families are welcome to join us.
Friday, April 11th
9:45 am Reconciliation for grades 4 – 8 in the gym with Father John and guest priests. Families are welcome to join us.
Monday, April 14th
11:00 am Palm Sunday Liturgy. Families are welcome to join us.
Tuesday, April 15th
7:00 pm – CSCC Meeting (Catholic School Community Council). Parents are invited to attend.
Wednesday, April 16th
A Lenten Retreat will be held in the morning for the entire school.
Friday, April 18th to Friday, April 25th – No School Classes resume on Monday, April 28th at 9:20 am
Sunday, April 6, 2014
How to Persuade - Intro to Persuasive Writing
We're winding down our Dystopian Unit, so all end of unit activities are either due or will be due in the next day or two. As part of your final assessment for the unit, you will be writing a persuasive essay on the benefits of reading Dystopian Literature for teens. However to effectively write a persuasive essay you need to review a few techniques. Therefore the objective of this lesson is to explore and analyze those techniques.
1. For this lesson you will need to download the powerpoint from Read Write Think. It is available at the following site. It will just take a moment to download and project on the front board.
To Access the powerpoint, click on ...
You will also need a few handouts which are available via Google Docs, print out the necessary handouts.
Then complete the handout, "Persuasion is All Around Me". The examples for each definition can be found as you watch the power point. Jot them down on the handout.
2. Read the article, "School Uniforms Should Not Be Required"
from Time for Kids.
Complete the handout, "Check the Strategies"
3. Read the article, "Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?"
Complete the handout, "Check the Strategies"
The Art of Persuasion Power point - Reflect on the video and think about how we are convinced daily!
3. Read the article, "Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?"
Complete the handout, "Check the Strategies"
The Art of Persuasion Power point - Reflect on the video and think about how we are convinced daily!
The Art of Persuasive Writing PowerPoint - ReadWriteThink
Persuasive Writing Map - You can complete on-line then print
Persuasion Interactive Map
Persuasive Writing Map - You can complete on-line then print
Persuasion Interactive Map
Writing the Persuasive Essay - Persuasion Map Interactive site
Rubric for Evaluation Persuasive Writing
Rubric for Evaluation Persuasive Writing
View shared postRubrR
Persuasive Writing
Part1 - Introduction to Persuasive Writing
Part 2 - Developing the Persuasive Essay
More Essay Development
Dystopian Persuasive Essay Map
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Awesome movie
Yesterday we had the opportunity to attend Divergent and meet all the other students from St Gabriel and Deshaye who were in our Dystopian Book Club! What a fantastic day!!
Anyways, as we prep for our last Today's Meet Live Chat... I will be incorporating some of your questions from the survey in what you want to discuss.
Thx for the awesome feedback!
I also want you to think about the general messages or themed from the film...
Is humanity really driven to destruction? Is categorizing people the answer to peace in society?? Why is conformity an easy answer to society's problems? How is it not a solution? Why is being "Divergent" good in any society, dystopian or in our society??
How is this film (and book!) and example of dystopia? What characteristics from our Dystopian References do you have to back up your thoughts? How was Tris a Dystopian Protagonist?
What other questions can we explore? Tweet me your ideas @jstewiestewie... Or just bring them up in the chat!
Lastly, after exploring a few connections between dystopian trends in our society and our novels, do you agree or disagree that our world is becoming dystopian?
What do YOU think we can do in our own lives to ensure that we do not head down one of the many paths of dystopia? What trend in our society is one we must consider the most in preventing dystopia?
Ms. SM's Dayplan
Ms. Stewart-Mitchell's Class
Dystopian Dictionary
Fakebook Assignment
Fakebook Rubric
Here's a link to most of the Sochi handout
* The rest is in another Word file
French Mr. Rieger's Class
2. Watch slide shows via link on Faire vs Jouer
C) Complete the handout, FAIRE ou JOUER.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
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