Focus Group Tasks for Thursday, September 29th
1. Highlight your groups "babies" - Ideas for buildings/ structures that are the most important to your group. Then come up with 2-3 reasons to justify why the community needs the facility. *Remember to think of what is in the surrounding community.
Decide on:
3 or 4 "Babies" (want)
3 or 4 "Dogs" (don't want)
2. During the above discussion you will need a Recorder to record ideas and how you justified your reasons.
You will need a couple Presenters to PERSUADE and JUSTIFY why you need the facility or buildings... ("babies")
3. While groups are the ideas you like or agree with. If you don't like it... leave it. 3. While groups are the ideas you like or agree with. If you don't like it... leave it.
Yellow Focus Group
*Big Mall (Edmonton)
*Medical Clinic - Doctors, dentists, salon
*Businesses/Rent spaces
*Green space for Rec and Relaxation
*All is walking distance
*Connection to Downtown
*Library/Globe Theatre
*Movie Viewing played on side of building (mall)
Green Focus Group
*Park (green space) - all seasons (tobaggan...)
*Different housing (students, young adults, families)
*Multipurpose building (offices, medical clinic, day care, food court *workers with children. Don't leave building)
*Community garden - sustainable, fresh
* Historical"Attracktions" - Reuse some track and rail cars
*Grocery stores - Food/families
*Bank, Multifaith center, no mall (Cornwall nearby)
Blue Focus Group
*Housing and Condos
*Learning Center - Museum, art studio, lessons and be a cultural center
*Multifaith Church
*Elementary School/ Preschool/ Daycare... Fields, Library, Gym and Green space/fields
Focus Group Reflection Response
Assignment: "Your picks for the Babies"... Which of all the ideas presented do you choose?? You can only choose 3 or 4! Write a response justifying why these choices are the best! (At least 2-3 reasons per choice.)
Persuade your teacher and architects!
Due: Rough Draft due Monday, October 3rd. Good copy due Tuesday, Oct. 4th
Next Class...Focus Group Finalize and Prioritize "the Babies"...
Questions... How do things connect to other areas? Downtown? East area of city?
Who is going to live on the site? What are the types of transportation needed?
How are roads going to align? (Architects will work their "magic" and teach us!)
Sketch Up Crew... Review skills
Think about the following needs in the city... Architect Insights into City Needs...
1. Globe Theatre needs a new location and needs to be bigger - and why not have something that can
be outside...
2. We need a new downtown Library
3. Additional site for a Farmer's Market
4. Are we looking after everyone's needs in our society? Special needs' housing, soup kitchen, Food Bank, shelters
5. How can we incorporate sustainable concepts and the Winter City - Retractable roofs, water park/skating rink and crazy winter bobsled runs.... fun outside all seasons.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Religion - Listen to the Wind
Listen to the Wind was a story adapted from Three Cups of Tea, about Dr. Greg Mortenson.
Compare and Contrast the educational experience of a child in Rural Pakistan compared to that of a child in Urban Canada. Create a T-Chart to show the differences and similarities, with "Rural Pakistan" on the left and "Urban Canada" on the right.
*Your response should be in paragraph form that fully explains your ideas. Ensure that you have correct spelling, grammar and sentence/paragraph form.
Due: Thursday, Sept. 29th 9:30 am.
Compare and Contrast the educational experience of a child in Rural Pakistan compared to that of a child in Urban Canada. Create a T-Chart to show the differences and similarities, with "Rural Pakistan" on the left and "Urban Canada" on the right.
After completing your t-chart, respond to the following questions in response form. Why was it worth Dr. Greg's time to give back to the people of Korphe? Why did he give back in the form of educational opportunity?
*Your response should be in paragraph form that fully explains your ideas. Ensure that you have correct spelling, grammar and sentence/paragraph form.
Due: Thursday, Sept. 29th 9:30 am.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Architecture Goes to School - Focus Group Site Planning
On Tuesday, this is the plan for the Architecture Goes to School Project...
Large Focus Group Discussion - The class will be divided into 3 groups of 10-11, to discuss the site development and design with mentor architects (and of course the teacher!). Groups will discuss the approach, site issues, meeting community needs and wants, neighbourhood around the site. Explore and reinforce planning and design principles and how they will be applied to project.
Questions to guide us...
* What do you want to see on the site? Remember our mantra is LIVE, WORK and PLAY!! How will you bring that to life? How will you make it a neighbourhood or a community with a distinct style, a place people will want to be all of the time??
* How will you make sure there are the following components to the neighbourhood community?
a) Residential and Living; b) Office Buildings; c) Parks and Green Space; d) Retail, Restaurants and Food; e) Active Living Center /Cultural Center; e) Shared Civic Spaces... (Please note... the Mentor Architects and the you, the students, will decide the best areas of focus for each Work group).
* What makes a space comfortable? Exciting? A place people of all ages want to be? What will be the shared values of the people who go there? What kind of lifestyle do you want to see? What kind of sustainable elements do you want to see demonstrated?
The Method for Organizing the Chaos of the Focus Group Discussion...
1. The small groups will be condensed into 3 Focus Discussion Groups... just for discussion purposes...
2. Each group will have post-it notes to write ideas and share... try your best to get your ideas on paper... (ask a peer in the group to help you write ideas, if you have difficulty putting them on paper).
3. Jot note what types of facilities, buildings, structures you want to see (think about the components listed above: Residential and Living; Office Buildings...)
4. As a group, prioritize your ideas... see which ideas are "doubled" or written more than once. If they are, then it must be important to include. Get a chart paper and write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... and decide the order your ideas will go.
5. Rewrite the ideas on paper for Ms. S-M, who will enter these ideas for further Large Group Discussion on the SMARTBoard. Ask a person to RECORD these ideas thoroughly.
6. Continue Focus Group Discussion with Large Scale Site Map. Decide where you want to place your buildings, facilities or structures on the site map. Your ideas are on post-it notes... so move them around!! For each location, you must have a persuasive reason to justify why you need it in the community and why it must be in that location. Be prepared for the Large Group Discussion.
7. As a large group, all ideas will be further discussed and prioritized. Each group must justify the existence of their top prioritized buildings... Be prepared to justify your ideas!! Be prepared to comprimise!
Large Focus Group Discussion - The class will be divided into 3 groups of 10-11, to discuss the site development and design with mentor architects (and of course the teacher!). Groups will discuss the approach, site issues, meeting community needs and wants, neighbourhood around the site. Explore and reinforce planning and design principles and how they will be applied to project.
Questions to guide us...
* What do you want to see on the site? Remember our mantra is LIVE, WORK and PLAY!! How will you bring that to life? How will you make it a neighbourhood or a community with a distinct style, a place people will want to be all of the time??
* How will you make sure there are the following components to the neighbourhood community?
a) Residential and Living; b) Office Buildings; c) Parks and Green Space; d) Retail, Restaurants and Food; e) Active Living Center /Cultural Center; e) Shared Civic Spaces... (Please note... the Mentor Architects and the you, the students, will decide the best areas of focus for each Work group).
* What makes a space comfortable? Exciting? A place people of all ages want to be? What will be the shared values of the people who go there? What kind of lifestyle do you want to see? What kind of sustainable elements do you want to see demonstrated?
The Method for Organizing the Chaos of the Focus Group Discussion...
1. The small groups will be condensed into 3 Focus Discussion Groups... just for discussion purposes...
2. Each group will have post-it notes to write ideas and share... try your best to get your ideas on paper... (ask a peer in the group to help you write ideas, if you have difficulty putting them on paper).
3. Jot note what types of facilities, buildings, structures you want to see (think about the components listed above: Residential and Living; Office Buildings...)
4. As a group, prioritize your ideas... see which ideas are "doubled" or written more than once. If they are, then it must be important to include. Get a chart paper and write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... and decide the order your ideas will go.
5. Rewrite the ideas on paper for Ms. S-M, who will enter these ideas for further Large Group Discussion on the SMARTBoard. Ask a person to RECORD these ideas thoroughly.
6. Continue Focus Group Discussion with Large Scale Site Map. Decide where you want to place your buildings, facilities or structures on the site map. Your ideas are on post-it notes... so move them around!! For each location, you must have a persuasive reason to justify why you need it in the community and why it must be in that location. Be prepared for the Large Group Discussion.
7. As a large group, all ideas will be further discussed and prioritized. Each group must justify the existence of their top prioritized buildings... Be prepared to justify your ideas!! Be prepared to comprimise!
Rubric Design Plates - Arch Goes to School
Rubric for Fundamentals of Design Plates (Mini - Posters)
10 – Design is insightful, interesting and sophisticated interpretation of text given to student. It is unique and demonstrates a great attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. The variety and the way the materials are used shows outstanding craftsmanship and attention to detail. Everything is just perfect. Nothing can be changed. Text included in visual and displayed in an interesting and creative way.
9 – Design is interesting and sophisticated interpretation of text given to student. It is unique and demonstrates a great attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. The variety and the way the materials are used shows great craftsmanship and attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed neatly.
8 - Design is an interesting interpretation of text given to student. It demonstrates some awareness and attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design principle. There is some variety in the use of materials which show good craftsmanship and some attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed.
7 - Design shows somewhat of an interpretation of text given to student. It demonstrates a little awareness of one or two of the following space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. There is some variety in the use of materials which show a little craftsmanship and little attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed – seemed to be added on.
6- Design demonstrates very little understanding of text given to student. It demonstrates very little awareness of the design principles. Materials have been used – but there is no connection to the text given. Craftsmanship show lack of care.
5 – Design is handed in… some materials were attached to the page.
4- See #5 – but extremely late.
10 – Design is insightful, interesting and sophisticated interpretation of text given to student. It is unique and demonstrates a great attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. The variety and the way the materials are used shows outstanding craftsmanship and attention to detail. Everything is just perfect. Nothing can be changed. Text included in visual and displayed in an interesting and creative way.
9 – Design is interesting and sophisticated interpretation of text given to student. It is unique and demonstrates a great attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. The variety and the way the materials are used shows great craftsmanship and attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed neatly.
8 - Design is an interesting interpretation of text given to student. It demonstrates some awareness and attention to space, design, composition and understanding of the design principle. There is some variety in the use of materials which show good craftsmanship and some attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed.
7 - Design shows somewhat of an interpretation of text given to student. It demonstrates a little awareness of one or two of the following space, design, composition and understanding of the design priniciple. There is some variety in the use of materials which show a little craftsmanship and little attention to detail. Text included in visual and displayed – seemed to be added on.
6- Design demonstrates very little understanding of text given to student. It demonstrates very little awareness of the design principles. Materials have been used – but there is no connection to the text given. Craftsmanship show lack of care.
5 – Design is handed in… some materials were attached to the page.
4- See #5 – but extremely late.
Resisting Hitler in WWII
Reading/Writing Assignment #1 - Resisting Hitler Letter
Imagine you are Helmuth from the short story, "Resisting Hitler" and you have merely 2 months to live as you sit in jail. Remember you received a punishment for standing up to the Nazis and their hate propaganda of the Jewish people. You have the opportunity to compose a letter to your brother with the last words you wish to share. What would you say?
The assignment from the RAFTS model.
Role - You are writing from Helmuth's perspective
Audience - Your brother (and peers)
Form - Friendly letter format
Topic - Words of wisdom, final thoughts on the resistance against the Nazis
Strong Verb - Explain your reasons for making the sacrifice and doing what was right or persuade your brother to carry on your mission
Follow these steps for writing:
1) PREWRITE - Brainstorm what you will include in the letter, thinking about the reasons and facts that connect to the story and what you know about the resistance.
Do this in the form of a detailed web with many branches.
Outline - What will you include in the INTRODUCTION, MIDDLE PARAGRAPHS/BODY and CONCLUSION? Create a detailed OUTLINE.
2) DRAFT - Compose the letter. Ensuring that you paint a "sensory picture" - identifying reasons why you went against the Nazis. Use at least 8 transitions in your writing.
3) REVISING - Check over the organization, details, content, word choice. Have you included all the details in the right order to paint the picture??
4) EDITING - Proofread and ensure that your letter is free of mechanical errors (grammar, capitalization, spelling and punctuation errors) and that the sentences and paragraphs are composed well.
5) PUBLISHING AND PRESENTING - Create an "AUTHENTIC" letter that reflects the time period. How could you make it reflect a young man in a WWII jail??
Want More of Helmuth's Story??
Read, The Boy Who Dared
Book Trailer for The Boy Who Dared...
Videos to help you understand...
ELA Extension to Learning...
Canadians who resisted and made a difference in WWII...
This song is not exactly about Anne Frank, but it makes me think about her family doing all they can to stay together. Listen to the lyrics and think about what connections you can make. Let this song be your "muse"... :-)
The first paragraph main idea is about a boy who stood up to Hitler by listening to the radio. Just by listening to the radio he started the "roots of resistance".
The main points of the section of the article (to the end of page 13) are: Helmuth got a radio and fixed it; Helmuth listened to the British broadcasts about the war (and learned the truth); he created the anti-Nazi leaflets; showed them to his friends; they all distributed the leaflets around Hamburg; and finally they were caught after months.
A text to self connection I can make with Helmuth is one time I....
The main idea of page 14 is Helmuth was caught, beaten, his friends were also caught and taken to prison. The Gestapo gave Helmuth a life sentence to prison. The Gestapo was was shocked that the resistence was carried out by a three teens.
A text to self connection I can make is (maybe write about a time people were surprised that you were so capable of something challenging).
Evidence I can find to show Helmuth was a hero is:
Making connection increased my understanding because I could imagine myself being in that situation, because I may have experienced something similar.
If I was Helmuth I would/would not be willing to take the same kinds of risks because...
A connection I can make between "Resisting Hitler" and the world would be the story of Dr. Greg Mortenson who dedicated his life to helping children in Pakistan and Afghanistan get an education through building schools.
The first paragraph main idea is about a boy who stood up to Hitler by listening to the radio. Just by listening to the radio he started the "roots of resistance".
The main points of the section of the article (to the end of page 13) are: Helmuth got a radio and fixed it; Helmuth listened to the British broadcasts about the war (and learned the truth); he created the anti-Nazi leaflets; showed them to his friends; they all distributed the leaflets around Hamburg; and finally they were caught after months.
A text to self connection I can make with Helmuth is one time I....
The main idea of page 14 is Helmuth was caught, beaten, his friends were also caught and taken to prison. The Gestapo gave Helmuth a life sentence to prison. The Gestapo was was shocked that the resistence was carried out by a three teens.
A text to self connection I can make is (maybe write about a time people were surprised that you were so capable of something challenging).
Evidence I can find to show Helmuth was a hero is:
Making connection increased my understanding because I could imagine myself being in that situation, because I may have experienced something similar.
If I was Helmuth I would/would not be willing to take the same kinds of risks because...
A connection I can make between "Resisting Hitler" and the world would be the story of Dr. Greg Mortenson who dedicated his life to helping children in Pakistan and Afghanistan get an education through building schools.
Copy/paste this into your URL window and search for Pauline Vanier for a 1 minute Historica audio clip.
This audio clip could be used to help you further understand what we are studying. Feel free to learn more about Canadian volunteers like the Vaniers on this site.
Below is a Youtube video about the Vaniers... Watch and learn and REFLECT...
How did Governor General George Vanier and Pauline Vanier help the refugees of WWII. Why were their efforts so important. How did they stand up for what they believe in, and help refugees during WWII??
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Architecture and Sustainability
Architecture and Sustainability… Answer following questions in your sketchbook. You can include visuals to help illustrate your responses.
What does "sustainability" mean?
What are some examples of sustainable practices in our lives? Your life???
Why is it a balance?
What are “sustainable solutions”? How do Economics, Social Interactions and Environment connect?
What do architects need to think about? (Size of building… number of people in building… materials used for the building… how many uses are using this structure?)
What are some examples of sustainable products in our lives? Think about in architecture and design.
Why do we need to think about sustainability? (especially… with our project)
What is the message of the Regina Revitalization video on youtube? What facility is proposed in the video? How will this facility be multifunctional or multiuse? What are the benefits of this facility to the city and surrounding community? How will the development make us stronger? Go to blog for link…
What does "sustainability" mean?
What are some examples of sustainable practices in our lives? Your life???
Why is it a balance?
What are “sustainable solutions”? How do Economics, Social Interactions and Environment connect?
What do architects need to think about? (Size of building… number of people in building… materials used for the building… how many uses are using this structure?)
What are some examples of sustainable products in our lives? Think about in architecture and design.
Why do we need to think about sustainability? (especially… with our project)
What is the message of the Regina Revitalization video on youtube? What facility is proposed in the video? How will this facility be multifunctional or multiuse? What are the benefits of this facility to the city and surrounding community? How will the development make us stronger? Go to blog for link…
How did indigenous people or ancient people use materials and design in a sustainable way? Think about the design and materials in dry, hot regions, warm, wet regions; cold regions.
Tying Together Sustainability and Culture…
Sketch… your living room (any angle) and the view from your front window… Do this in your sketch book. How does your sketch reflect sustainability? How does your sketch reflect your community or culture? Explain with your sketch in the sketchbook…
Chang's Presentation...
Sustainability (Draft)[1]
Tying Together Sustainability and Culture…
Sketch… your living room (any angle) and the view from your front window… Do this in your sketch book. How does your sketch reflect sustainability? How does your sketch reflect your community or culture? Explain with your sketch in the sketchbook…
Chang's Presentation...
Sustainability (Draft)[1]
Architecture Goes to School - Culture Discussion
1. What makes you feel safe?
2. What makes your home feel like a home? What about your home is comfortable?
3. Where do you like to hang out or socialize with friends?
a) Describe where you would like to hang out indoors.
b) Describe where you would like to hang out outdoors.
4. What makes a community feel like a cool place to hang out for teens and younger people? Describe it.
5. Why is the Cathedral area considered to be more of a "neighbourhood" than Whitmore Park or Albert Park? (According to many perceptions in the city). What makes a community a "neighbourhood"?
6. If you could create the ideal neighbourhood that would appeal to everyone... what would you include?
Describe these locations or structures.
Random Images of Albert Park and the Cathedral Area from Google...
Describe the differences between the communities...
Cathedral Area buildings...






.jpg)
Albert Park





1. What makes you feel safe?
2. What makes your home feel like a home? What about your home is comfortable?
3. Where do you like to hang out or socialize with friends?
a) Describe where you would like to hang out indoors.
b) Describe where you would like to hang out outdoors.
4. What makes a community feel like a cool place to hang out for teens and younger people? Describe it.
5. Why is the Cathedral area considered to be more of a "neighbourhood" than Whitmore Park or Albert Park? (According to many perceptions in the city). What makes a community a "neighbourhood"?
6. If you could create the ideal neighbourhood that would appeal to everyone... what would you include?
Describe these locations or structures.
Random Images of Albert Park and the Cathedral Area from Google...
Describe the differences between the communities...
Cathedral Area buildings...

.jpg)
Albert Park
Monday, September 19, 2011
Architecture Goes to School Fieldtrip
Itinerary for the Day…
10:10 – Leave Deshaye
10:30 – Arrive Down town *Bus will drop us off near Hotel Sask.
10:40 -11:25 – Walking Tour
11:30 – Lunch Break at Plaza (Victoria Park) or if it rains, in Children’s Library Area at Public Library *Arrangements made with supervisor
12:10 – Washroom break at Public Library
12:50 – Bus pick up *In front of Hotel Sask (close to Hotel Sask)
1:05 – Warehouse District Bus Tour (Approx. 30 minutes)
1:40 – Tour Project Site on Dewdney and take photos (30 minutes)
2:10 – Tour the Kreate Architecture Office 2300 Dewdney
(Washroom available in building)
2:45 – Leave Kreate Architecture Office on Dewdney and return to Deshaye
3:10-3:15 – Arrive back at Deshaye
ARCHITECTURE GOES TO SCHOOL - Walking Tour of Downtown Regina
Buildings of Note… Be sure to take photos and complete your Questionnaire Sheet for your Sketchbook as part of a REFLECTION of this tour…
1) Financial Building (Hamilton and 13th) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
2) First Canadian Place (Hamilton and 13th) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
3) Hotel Saskatchewan (Victoria Ave) – Neoclassical and Romanesque
4) Sask Power Building (Victoria Ave) – Architect: Joe Pedic; Modern
5) Federal Building – (Victoria Ave) – Architects: Clemenshaw/Portnall; Neoclassical and Romanesque
6) Victoria Park Building – (Victoria Ave) – Architects: Storey/Vanegmund; Craftsman
7) Scarth Street Mall (Revitalization Project)– Commercial Building of 1920’s; Craftsman
8) Twin Towers (12th Ave) – Architects: Sigmore, Owens, Merrell; Walternetch of Chicago; Modern
9) Northern Crown Building – Scarth Street – Greek Revival
10) Globe Theatre Building – Institutional Classical
11) Princess Theatre – Art Nouveau (was a Vaudeville Theatre… theatre seats are still hidden under the floors of present business)
12) 12th Ave Plaza/Mall – New Plaza!! – Ultra Modern
13) Regina Public Library (12th Ave) – Architects: Izum, Arnott, Sugiama of Regina; Modern
14) Knox Metropolitan Church – Victoria Ave – Gothic
15) Sports Hall of Fame Building – Romanesque and Greek Revival
16) Balfour and Frontenac Apartments (Lorne St.) – Italianate
17) Martin Place Courtyard/Law Office (by Hotel Sask) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
18) Cornwall Coop/Senior Housing Project – (Cornwall St) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
21) What are the different jobs in an Architect’s office? Name 4 jobs at the Kreate Architecture Office.
22) SITE VIEW… What do you notice about the site from the office? Any other observations?
Choose 8 of the buildings we visited on the tour, and answer the questions below in your sketchbook. A visual of how it should look in your sketchbook will be explained in class.
1. Name of building:
2. What is or was it used for?
3. Who uses it now?
4. What I like most about the building – try to describe it… remember you can use a photo with a description to help explain your opinion.
5. What would I change about the building.
6. This building reminds me of…
7. What I think the building is made of…
8. Rate this building out of 5… How many stars??
9. Take a photo of the building…
Itinerary for the Day…
10:10 – Leave Deshaye
10:30 – Arrive Down town *Bus will drop us off near Hotel Sask.
10:40 -11:25 – Walking Tour
11:30 – Lunch Break at Plaza (Victoria Park) or if it rains, in Children’s Library Area at Public Library *Arrangements made with supervisor
12:10 – Washroom break at Public Library
12:50 – Bus pick up *In front of Hotel Sask (close to Hotel Sask)
1:05 – Warehouse District Bus Tour (Approx. 30 minutes)
1:40 – Tour Project Site on Dewdney and take photos (30 minutes)
2:10 – Tour the Kreate Architecture Office 2300 Dewdney
(Washroom available in building)
2:45 – Leave Kreate Architecture Office on Dewdney and return to Deshaye
3:10-3:15 – Arrive back at Deshaye
ARCHITECTURE GOES TO SCHOOL - Walking Tour of Downtown Regina
Buildings of Note… Be sure to take photos and complete your Questionnaire Sheet for your Sketchbook as part of a REFLECTION of this tour…
1) Financial Building (Hamilton and 13th) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
2) First Canadian Place (Hamilton and 13th) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
3) Hotel Saskatchewan (Victoria Ave) – Neoclassical and Romanesque
4) Sask Power Building (Victoria Ave) – Architect: Joe Pedic; Modern
5) Federal Building – (Victoria Ave) – Architects: Clemenshaw/Portnall; Neoclassical and Romanesque
6) Victoria Park Building – (Victoria Ave) – Architects: Storey/Vanegmund; Craftsman
7) Scarth Street Mall (Revitalization Project)– Commercial Building of 1920’s; Craftsman
8) Twin Towers (12th Ave) – Architects: Sigmore, Owens, Merrell; Walternetch of Chicago; Modern
9) Northern Crown Building – Scarth Street – Greek Revival
10) Globe Theatre Building – Institutional Classical
11) Princess Theatre – Art Nouveau (was a Vaudeville Theatre… theatre seats are still hidden under the floors of present business)
12) 12th Ave Plaza/Mall – New Plaza!! – Ultra Modern
13) Regina Public Library (12th Ave) – Architects: Izum, Arnott, Sugiama of Regina; Modern
14) Knox Metropolitan Church – Victoria Ave – Gothic
15) Sports Hall of Fame Building – Romanesque and Greek Revival
16) Balfour and Frontenac Apartments (Lorne St.) – Italianate
17) Martin Place Courtyard/Law Office (by Hotel Sask) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
18) Cornwall Coop/Senior Housing Project – (Cornwall St) – Architect: Roger Mitchell; Modern
21) What are the different jobs in an Architect’s office? Name 4 jobs at the Kreate Architecture Office.
22) SITE VIEW… What do you notice about the site from the office? Any other observations?
Choose 8 of the buildings we visited on the tour, and answer the questions below in your sketchbook. A visual of how it should look in your sketchbook will be explained in class.
1. Name of building:
2. What is or was it used for?
3. Who uses it now?
4. What I like most about the building – try to describe it… remember you can use a photo with a description to help explain your opinion.
5. What would I change about the building.
6. This building reminds me of…
7. What I think the building is made of…
8. Rate this building out of 5… How many stars??
9. Take a photo of the building…
Architecture Tour of Downtown Regina
Copy of note sent home...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Dear Parents,
On Tuesday, September 20th, our class will be visiting our site for our Architecture Goes to School project. During this time we will have a guided tour by our architect mentors, Roger Mitchell and Chang Sun to critically examine a few buildings in the Downtown area, and appreciate some of the unique architecture that we have in Regina.
We will be leaving the school at 10:10 and talking a bus. The students will be viewing a few well known buildings, like Hotel Sask, the Globe Theatre, City Hall and Knox Metropolitan church. We will also be taking pictures of “the site” for our project, as well as, touring the Kreate Architecture Office. The site location is roughly the size of a few blocks; therefore, we will be primarily staying close to the Architecture office on Dewdney and Lorne Street and will not tour the whole “project site” area. The primary objective of the tour is to give students an opportunity to critically examine some of the architecture of Regina, as well as a sense of the space and surroundings that they will be developing.
Students are only required to bring a clipboard, pencil, pen, digital camera (if they have one available with parent permission), BAGGED LUNCH and a water bottle. We will return to Deshaye shortly after 3:00.
If you are interested in the tour and are available, please feel free to join us! If you have any questions, please contact the school at 791-7270.
Please view information about the project. You can check out the time table and student activities by visiting my blog at… See the “Architecture Goes to School” page.
Ms. Stewart-Mitchell
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Dear Parents,
On Tuesday, September 20th, our class will be visiting our site for our Architecture Goes to School project. During this time we will have a guided tour by our architect mentors, Roger Mitchell and Chang Sun to critically examine a few buildings in the Downtown area, and appreciate some of the unique architecture that we have in Regina.
We will be leaving the school at 10:10 and talking a bus. The students will be viewing a few well known buildings, like Hotel Sask, the Globe Theatre, City Hall and Knox Metropolitan church. We will also be taking pictures of “the site” for our project, as well as, touring the Kreate Architecture Office. The site location is roughly the size of a few blocks; therefore, we will be primarily staying close to the Architecture office on Dewdney and Lorne Street and will not tour the whole “project site” area. The primary objective of the tour is to give students an opportunity to critically examine some of the architecture of Regina, as well as a sense of the space and surroundings that they will be developing.
Students are only required to bring a clipboard, pencil, pen, digital camera (if they have one available with parent permission), BAGGED LUNCH and a water bottle. We will return to Deshaye shortly after 3:00.
If you are interested in the tour and are available, please feel free to join us! If you have any questions, please contact the school at 791-7270.
Please view information about the project. You can check out the time table and student activities by visiting my blog at… See the “Architecture Goes to School” page.
Ms. Stewart-Mitchell
Friday, September 16, 2011
Architectural Assignments
Great job on your architectural marvel presentations!
With your design templates, just do you BEST. Explore with a variety of mediums (magazine pictures cut out), yarn, string, sandpaper, fabric... textures and colour... try repeating shapes and exploring the design. For your first "plate" or poster - just explore the statement that was given to you. Do your best! Be sure to include the words (especially the title) in your poster. We're just learning... so really there are no mistakes... you will know what works! As we learn more about the Principles of Design, things will get easier.
Be sure to pack a lunch for the Architectural tour of Downtown Regina and of our Project site! Be prepared to take photos of the buildings the sites and reflect on questions connected to the images in your Sketchbook. The Sketchbook is a graphic journal (with explanation) of your thoughts. Be sure to include images and reflections from our tour.
Questions to come....
With your design templates, just do you BEST. Explore with a variety of mediums (magazine pictures cut out), yarn, string, sandpaper, fabric... textures and colour... try repeating shapes and exploring the design. For your first "plate" or poster - just explore the statement that was given to you. Do your best! Be sure to include the words (especially the title) in your poster. We're just learning... so really there are no mistakes... you will know what works! As we learn more about the Principles of Design, things will get easier.
Be sure to pack a lunch for the Architectural tour of Downtown Regina and of our Project site! Be prepared to take photos of the buildings the sites and reflect on questions connected to the images in your Sketchbook. The Sketchbook is a graphic journal (with explanation) of your thoughts. Be sure to include images and reflections from our tour.
Questions to come....
Monday, September 12, 2011
Student Architectural Marvels
"My Architecture Marvel" by Grade 7/8
The following are the students' reflections on what they consider to be an "Architectural Marvel"; and reasons for this evaluation...
Brain of Health Centre by Carissa
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about the structure captures your attention? This image is considered both beautiful and interesting to me, because of the color and the wavy unique shape. This image captured my attention because of the shifted windows, the unique pattern and the confusing structure.
2.who created this structure? Frank Gehry created this unique structure.
3.Why did he/she create it? What is the structure used for? Frank Gehry created this structure in honour of Larry Ruvos father who founded a non profited organization and died from Alzheimer's. The structure is used for research of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's diseases, and ALS ( Lou Gehrig's disease)
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area? The building brain for health represents the people because the building which consists of the architects signature steel forms is representing the people with brain problems. The building brain for health represents the culture because it is located in Las Vegas so the eye catching color and the unique pattern represents Vegas. The building fits in very well because it is located in Vegas so the crazy shape and different color suits Vegas very well.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from? The building brain for health suits Vegas because Vegas has crazy things everywhere so brain for health is almost normal in the wacky environment.
Girl in a Wet Suit... by Dana,r:0,s:0&tx=137&ty=65&biw=1080&bih=602,r:5,s:0&biw=1080&bih=602
Girl in a Wetsuit, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC
by Dana
1. Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
The statue Girl in a Wetsuit captures my eye because she is sitting on a rock in the ocean. This image is considered beautiful or interesting because; she is sitting on a rock in the ocean, and she describes the environment that tourists think that Vancouver is about. (Swimming)
2. Who created the structure?
Girl in a Wetsuit was created be Elek Imredy, the statue was finished on June 9, 1972
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
Elek Imredy created the statue to represent the culture of the people. Also the statue is used for a tourist attraction.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The statue represents the people because the locals swim a lot. The statue fits the surrounding area because she is on a boulder, when it is high tide, it looks likes she is in the water swimming.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
The statue Girl in a Wetsuit on made of bronze because there is incredible detail when poured from molten bronze. She is made from bronze so she won't rust because of the salt water.
Epcot Spaceship Earth by Brennan,r:1,s:0&biw=983&bih=548
1. I think the image is interesting because it circular and has patterns. It is known as a geodesic sphere. I think it is beautiful because it is round and shiny.
2. Ray Bradbury helped design the Epcot Spaceship Earth.
3. It was created for Epcot Centre at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. It gives tourists a time machine experience.
4. It represents the modern culture because it is space age and part of a theme park.
5. The building it is suited for its environment at Epcot because it is fun and interesting.
My Architectural Marvel- By Micaela
1. Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
The Aqua is considered beautiful for its different sculpture and its unique color. The Aqua is considered interesting because of the shape of the skyscraper and because of the Emporis Skyscraper Award in 2009. Also it is the tallest building in the world ever to have been led by a woman! What captured my attention were the different shape/design and the beautiful color.
2. Who created this structure?
The Aqua was created by the Studio Gang Architects (SGA), the founder and principal of SGA is Jeanne Gang.
3. Why did she create it? What is the structure used for?
Jeanne created it because three years ago at a Frank Gehry lecture and dinner she was sitting next to architect James R Loewenberg, he asked her to take a look at the designs of his Aqua tower and make it sing. She accepted to design the layout for the Aqua. The structure is used for a hotel, apartments, condominiums, parking and offices.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building represents the people because it is close by to Lake Michigan and I think that it is representing the lake there because it is almost like a lake. The Aqua fits the surrounding area because it is surrounded by many more skyscrapers and it looks like a normal building unless you look closely at it.
5. How the building is suited to the environment that it comes from?
The building is suited to the environment that it comes from because it is almost like it is representing Lake Michigan. The shape is like the waves of a lake and the color is a similar color to the water of Lake Michigan.
Remaila's Image...

Experience Music Project - by Denae,r:7,s:0
The Crooked House in Sopot, Poland - by Carly
1) Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or atleast interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
I think that my image is considered beautiful because it uses a variety of different colors to catch your eye, instead of just having one solid color such as blue, red or brown. This image is interesting because it gives off the illusion from the outside that it is all crooked and tilted, but on the inside its not. It is also interesting because it uses many different shapes, and curved lines to incorporate the theme they were trying to achieve.
2) Who created the structure?
A Polish architect with the name of Szotyricy Zaleski, created the crooked house in 2004, in Sopot, Poland.
3)Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
He created this unique structure because he was inpired by a Polish artist, Jan Marcin Szancer. She was a childrens literature illustrater for fantasy and fairytale books. this structure is actually used for shopping, as it is in a shopping center. It also has a coffee area outside including tables and chairs for the public to use.
4) How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building represents the culture/people because Poland is actually quite famous for having interesting architects and historic or unique structures. This structure does not really fit the surrounding, as the rest of the buildings beside and around are not crooked, but just normal.
5) How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
In a way, this building is suited to the environment because Poland also has some very interesting buildings such as... The Upsidedown House,The Plastic House and some castles, so it is understandable that The Crooked House is located in Poland.
The Nanyang Technology University School of Art, Design and Media
By Jennifer
1. The School of Art, Design and Media on the NTU Campus in Singapore blends function with beauty, creativity and nature. Its abstract design and huge wall of glass make the building a unique and intriguing sight, but I think the most incredible feature of this school is actually the roof. Inspired by the rolling hills of Singapore, the roof is made entirely out of grass. It slowly curves to the ground, allowing people to walk across it or use it as a park space. A courtyard featuring water fountains, a waterfall, a floating stage and a reflecting pond is located in the centre of the two curved arms of the building. Complete with a huge glass wall covering one side of the building, the NTU School of Art, Design and Media blends a modern design with a simple and natural theme, to create a beautiful and inspiring environment.
2. The CPG Consultant Architectural Company directed by Hoong Bee Lok designed and created this school. This project was completed in 2006.
3. The NTU requested that a school for the arts, design and media be added to their campus. The CPG architects were put in charge of this project, and when visiting the site, they were inspired by the hills on campus. One of the requirements for this school, was to create a building that in some way, preserved the park that was there before. The land that they were building on was supposed to remain a green area with no construction. In order to build on it, they needed to preserve the land and create an environmentally friendly structure. With these restrictions in mind, they decided to model the roof after the hills on campus to fit and compliment the surrounding environment. Besides preserving the green area, the roof, courtyard and glass windows also provide a quiet and peaceful place that provides inspiration to the students and the public. This proves that the school is not only a learning place, but it also serves as a park, a walking path and a quiet, inspirational place for everyone.
4. Singapore’s large population and many buildings has left the city lacking park space. It’s important to the city and the people to preserve the green space they have. To do this, the architects decided to make the roof out of grass to represent the beautiful greenery in Singapore. It was made to look as though the building rises from the ground, creating two hills. In this way, the building suits the area and stands out at the same time. The school was also made to be extremely eco-friendly to maintain a healthy and safe environment. Being one of the most environmentally friendly countries in Asia, it’s very important to the people of Singapore to be good to their environment. The NTU also requested that the building be a school for the arts, design and media, which shows how important the arts are to the Singapore culture. In this way, the architecture of the school reflects the culture and the values of the Singapore people.
5. The Art, Design and Media School is suited for the environment because it blends in with the greenery around it. However, the grass roof does more than just blend in. The layers of grass and dirt also insulate the building, act as a park, absorb the Singapore heat, freshen the air and collect rainwater which is then used to water the roof. Many other elements of the building are also eco-friendly. For example, the windows that cover one wall of the building are made from double glazed glass. This is a type of glass that is thick enough to keep out heat, but let in natural light. This conserves both electricity for the lighting and energy for the air conditioning. Along with this, the building also features motion activated and photosensitive lights. These lights only come on when they sense darkness or movement, so no electricity is wasted. This proves that the school not only suits its environment by blending in, but it’s also an eco-friendly building that is good to the environment surrounding it.
Ideal Palace Hauterive by Anastasia,r:1,s:51
1) I think that this palace is really beautiful because of all the detail on it. I love all the different levels and sections to it, and that’s what first caught my attention. I like how it is so big and every part of it has lots of detail. I also like how Ferdinand Cheval incorporated some animals into the outside.
2) Ferdinand Cheval created this building.
3) Cheval tripped over a stone on one of his mail routes and was fascinated by the shape of it. He started going back to the same place to collect stones to “inspire” the palace out of.
4) I think that the building represents the culture of France and the people because Cheval managed to create a few “human” models (3 giants) into the building, and they were probably created for people who lived in that area and made a difference in Cheval’s eyes. The palace is located in France, and the nature that surrounds it is gorgeous, but I think that it could have gone somewhere else. I think that it could have been built in a busier neighbourhood, because from what I can see, it’s just located in a neighbourhood where there are a lot of houses. I like where he built it because that is where he first tripped over the stone and started collecting them.
5) Considering that Cheval created the palace because of/after a stone, I think that it works really well. I love how much detail and time that Cheval put into building the palace (33 years) and even though it doesn’t really look like a rock, it still has that stone feel to it.
Big Ben - by Colton,r:4,s:0
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
It's interesting that it's been around for about 150 years and it took 13 years to build.
2. Who created the stucture?
Charles Barry
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
Because the westminster was destroyed in a fire on October 16 /1834 then it was rebuilt in 1844 with the clock tower Big Ben.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrouding area?
Big Ben represents the people and the city of England.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
It's made to fit London's old time look.
Burj Al Arab - by Christine,r:7,s:139
The Lotus Temple - by Emilio

Residence Antilia India - by Amanda,r:10,s:0

1.) I think this is considered interesting because of the way it is made. All the rooms are all in the shape of a cube and because not everything is alligned. I like this specific structure because it looks like a real life M.C. Escher work of art.
2.) The creator of Habitat 67 is Moshe Safdie, an Israeli born Canadian architect who immigrated to Montreal in 1953, when he was fifteen. Moshe is known for his usage of geometric shapes and interesting curves in his structures.
3.) Mr. Safdie made this to try and revolutionize the way homes were built. He wanted to make a apartment complex that was affordable yet fancy. But that however, failed as the apartment became a rather expensive place to live in. He had planned to find a way to fit a large amount of people while at the same time provide families with some with the comfort of a private home. Construction on Habitat 67 began in 1964.
4.) Habitat 67 fits the culture of the Montreal people because it is big and Montreal people like big things like any big city would. It doesn't quite fit the area because it is rather far away from the rest of Montreal's neighborhoods.
5.) It suits the environment it comes from because it is a very noticeable structure for a big city.

Bodiam Castle is found in the south east England, it was built by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge. It is considered beautiful and interesting because it has an aesthetic design and it is a perfect example of a late medieval castle. It has an amazing architecture which lasted through time and the way it is surrounded by water… it even makes it more fascinating.
The following are the students' reflections on what they consider to be an "Architectural Marvel"; and reasons for this evaluation...
Brain of Health Centre by Carissa
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about the structure captures your attention? This image is considered both beautiful and interesting to me, because of the color and the wavy unique shape. This image captured my attention because of the shifted windows, the unique pattern and the confusing structure.
2.who created this structure? Frank Gehry created this unique structure.
3.Why did he/she create it? What is the structure used for? Frank Gehry created this structure in honour of Larry Ruvos father who founded a non profited organization and died from Alzheimer's. The structure is used for research of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's diseases, and ALS ( Lou Gehrig's disease)
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area? The building brain for health represents the people because the building which consists of the architects signature steel forms is representing the people with brain problems. The building brain for health represents the culture because it is located in Las Vegas so the eye catching color and the unique pattern represents Vegas. The building fits in very well because it is located in Vegas so the crazy shape and different color suits Vegas very well.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from? The building brain for health suits Vegas because Vegas has crazy things everywhere so brain for health is almost normal in the wacky environment.
Girl in a Wet Suit... by Dana,r:0,s:0&tx=137&ty=65&biw=1080&bih=602,r:5,s:0&biw=1080&bih=602
Girl in a Wetsuit, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC
by Dana
1. Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
The statue Girl in a Wetsuit captures my eye because she is sitting on a rock in the ocean. This image is considered beautiful or interesting because; she is sitting on a rock in the ocean, and she describes the environment that tourists think that Vancouver is about. (Swimming)
2. Who created the structure?
Girl in a Wetsuit was created be Elek Imredy, the statue was finished on June 9, 1972
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
Elek Imredy created the statue to represent the culture of the people. Also the statue is used for a tourist attraction.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The statue represents the people because the locals swim a lot. The statue fits the surrounding area because she is on a boulder, when it is high tide, it looks likes she is in the water swimming.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
The statue Girl in a Wetsuit on made of bronze because there is incredible detail when poured from molten bronze. She is made from bronze so she won't rust because of the salt water.
Epcot Spaceship Earth by Brennan,r:1,s:0&biw=983&bih=548
1. I think the image is interesting because it circular and has patterns. It is known as a geodesic sphere. I think it is beautiful because it is round and shiny.
2. Ray Bradbury helped design the Epcot Spaceship Earth.
3. It was created for Epcot Centre at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. It gives tourists a time machine experience.
4. It represents the modern culture because it is space age and part of a theme park.
5. The building it is suited for its environment at Epcot because it is fun and interesting.
My Architectural Marvel- By Micaela
1. Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
The Aqua is considered beautiful for its different sculpture and its unique color. The Aqua is considered interesting because of the shape of the skyscraper and because of the Emporis Skyscraper Award in 2009. Also it is the tallest building in the world ever to have been led by a woman! What captured my attention were the different shape/design and the beautiful color.
2. Who created this structure?
The Aqua was created by the Studio Gang Architects (SGA), the founder and principal of SGA is Jeanne Gang.
3. Why did she create it? What is the structure used for?
Jeanne created it because three years ago at a Frank Gehry lecture and dinner she was sitting next to architect James R Loewenberg, he asked her to take a look at the designs of his Aqua tower and make it sing. She accepted to design the layout for the Aqua. The structure is used for a hotel, apartments, condominiums, parking and offices.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building represents the people because it is close by to Lake Michigan and I think that it is representing the lake there because it is almost like a lake. The Aqua fits the surrounding area because it is surrounded by many more skyscrapers and it looks like a normal building unless you look closely at it.
5. How the building is suited to the environment that it comes from?
The building is suited to the environment that it comes from because it is almost like it is representing Lake Michigan. The shape is like the waves of a lake and the color is a similar color to the water of Lake Michigan.
Remaila's Image...
Experience Music Project - by Denae,r:7,s:0
The Crooked House in Sopot, Poland - by Carly
1) Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or atleast interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
I think that my image is considered beautiful because it uses a variety of different colors to catch your eye, instead of just having one solid color such as blue, red or brown. This image is interesting because it gives off the illusion from the outside that it is all crooked and tilted, but on the inside its not. It is also interesting because it uses many different shapes, and curved lines to incorporate the theme they were trying to achieve.
2) Who created the structure?
A Polish architect with the name of Szotyricy Zaleski, created the crooked house in 2004, in Sopot, Poland.
3)Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
He created this unique structure because he was inpired by a Polish artist, Jan Marcin Szancer. She was a childrens literature illustrater for fantasy and fairytale books. this structure is actually used for shopping, as it is in a shopping center. It also has a coffee area outside including tables and chairs for the public to use.
4) How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building represents the culture/people because Poland is actually quite famous for having interesting architects and historic or unique structures. This structure does not really fit the surrounding, as the rest of the buildings beside and around are not crooked, but just normal.
5) How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
In a way, this building is suited to the environment because Poland also has some very interesting buildings such as... The Upsidedown House,The Plastic House and some castles, so it is understandable that The Crooked House is located in Poland.
The Nanyang Technology University School of Art, Design and Media
By Jennifer
1. The School of Art, Design and Media on the NTU Campus in Singapore blends function with beauty, creativity and nature. Its abstract design and huge wall of glass make the building a unique and intriguing sight, but I think the most incredible feature of this school is actually the roof. Inspired by the rolling hills of Singapore, the roof is made entirely out of grass. It slowly curves to the ground, allowing people to walk across it or use it as a park space. A courtyard featuring water fountains, a waterfall, a floating stage and a reflecting pond is located in the centre of the two curved arms of the building. Complete with a huge glass wall covering one side of the building, the NTU School of Art, Design and Media blends a modern design with a simple and natural theme, to create a beautiful and inspiring environment.
2. The CPG Consultant Architectural Company directed by Hoong Bee Lok designed and created this school. This project was completed in 2006.
3. The NTU requested that a school for the arts, design and media be added to their campus. The CPG architects were put in charge of this project, and when visiting the site, they were inspired by the hills on campus. One of the requirements for this school, was to create a building that in some way, preserved the park that was there before. The land that they were building on was supposed to remain a green area with no construction. In order to build on it, they needed to preserve the land and create an environmentally friendly structure. With these restrictions in mind, they decided to model the roof after the hills on campus to fit and compliment the surrounding environment. Besides preserving the green area, the roof, courtyard and glass windows also provide a quiet and peaceful place that provides inspiration to the students and the public. This proves that the school is not only a learning place, but it also serves as a park, a walking path and a quiet, inspirational place for everyone.
4. Singapore’s large population and many buildings has left the city lacking park space. It’s important to the city and the people to preserve the green space they have. To do this, the architects decided to make the roof out of grass to represent the beautiful greenery in Singapore. It was made to look as though the building rises from the ground, creating two hills. In this way, the building suits the area and stands out at the same time. The school was also made to be extremely eco-friendly to maintain a healthy and safe environment. Being one of the most environmentally friendly countries in Asia, it’s very important to the people of Singapore to be good to their environment. The NTU also requested that the building be a school for the arts, design and media, which shows how important the arts are to the Singapore culture. In this way, the architecture of the school reflects the culture and the values of the Singapore people.
5. The Art, Design and Media School is suited for the environment because it blends in with the greenery around it. However, the grass roof does more than just blend in. The layers of grass and dirt also insulate the building, act as a park, absorb the Singapore heat, freshen the air and collect rainwater which is then used to water the roof. Many other elements of the building are also eco-friendly. For example, the windows that cover one wall of the building are made from double glazed glass. This is a type of glass that is thick enough to keep out heat, but let in natural light. This conserves both electricity for the lighting and energy for the air conditioning. Along with this, the building also features motion activated and photosensitive lights. These lights only come on when they sense darkness or movement, so no electricity is wasted. This proves that the school not only suits its environment by blending in, but it’s also an eco-friendly building that is good to the environment surrounding it.
Ideal Palace Hauterive by Anastasia,r:1,s:51
1) I think that this palace is really beautiful because of all the detail on it. I love all the different levels and sections to it, and that’s what first caught my attention. I like how it is so big and every part of it has lots of detail. I also like how Ferdinand Cheval incorporated some animals into the outside.
2) Ferdinand Cheval created this building.
3) Cheval tripped over a stone on one of his mail routes and was fascinated by the shape of it. He started going back to the same place to collect stones to “inspire” the palace out of.
4) I think that the building represents the culture of France and the people because Cheval managed to create a few “human” models (3 giants) into the building, and they were probably created for people who lived in that area and made a difference in Cheval’s eyes. The palace is located in France, and the nature that surrounds it is gorgeous, but I think that it could have gone somewhere else. I think that it could have been built in a busier neighbourhood, because from what I can see, it’s just located in a neighbourhood where there are a lot of houses. I like where he built it because that is where he first tripped over the stone and started collecting them.
5) Considering that Cheval created the palace because of/after a stone, I think that it works really well. I love how much detail and time that Cheval put into building the palace (33 years) and even though it doesn’t really look like a rock, it still has that stone feel to it.
Big Ben - by Colton,r:4,s:0
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
It's interesting that it's been around for about 150 years and it took 13 years to build.
2. Who created the stucture?
Charles Barry
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
Because the westminster was destroyed in a fire on October 16 /1834 then it was rebuilt in 1844 with the clock tower Big Ben.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrouding area?
Big Ben represents the people and the city of England.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
It's made to fit London's old time look.
Burj Al Arab - by Christine,r:7,s:139
Why is the image selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
Burj Al Arab has an eye-catching attraction for its simple yet elegant structure. The structure resembles the sail of a ship. Burj Al Arab is said to be the world’s only seven-Star hotel, but is officially rated to be a Five-Star deluxe. Having the hotel stand on its own artificial island gave me more interests to the structure.
Who created the structure?
Tom Wright of Atkins created this structure.
Why did he/she create it? What is the structure used for?
Tom Wright created the structure to symbolize the country of Dubai. The building had to make a symbolization of the country’s name. The structure is a 1,053ft tall Five-Star deluxe hotel.
How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building represents Dubai’s culture to lighten the Arabic heritage and United Arab Emirates, the city where Burj Al Arab stands onto. It surely fits the surrounding area for its resemblance of that sail of a dhow design which compliments the water surrounding it. It gives a significance of wealth to the city.
How the building is suited to the environment that it comes from?
It is suited for its environment since; there are many other recreational facilities on the other side of the bridge; such as, Wild Wadi Aquapark, an Arabic waterpark. There’s also a hotel called, Jumeirah Beach Hotel, built to compliment the large sail, with Jumeirah Beach Hotel’s wave structure.
The Lotus Temple - by Emilio
. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
I find this building to be beautiful in general and one of the reasons I find it interesting is because of the amazing shapes that make it look like a lotus. The building seems very delicate and gorgeous. The amazing shape looking like a giant white lotus in the middle of a green area with circular ponds of water surrounding it was the first thing that got my attention.
2. Who created the structure?
The Lotus Temple was created by Fariborz Sahba.
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
The purpose of the Lotus Temple is meant for worship. The temple is open to all people regardless of their religion. The laws of the temple are so people may worship their God without any kind of restrictions.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building is made to represent all types of cultures and religions. It fits the surrounding area very nicely because it looks like a very nice and lush white lotus, in a garden. The garden surrounding the Lotus Temple is very green and beautiful.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from? I think it suits the area because it is very lush and green all around and it looks like a very bright and breath taking lotus in the center.
Eiffel Tower - by Lundy,r:19,s:0
Q:Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structer captures your attention
A:I like it because it is so bag and tall.
Q:Who created the structure?
A:The creator's name is Gustave Eiffel.
Q:Why did he or she create it? What is the used for?
A:The Tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 worlds fair.
Q:How does the building represent the cultuire or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
A: The change from stone to steel.
Q:How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
A: It does not suit the environment.,r:19,s:0
Q:Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structer captures your attention
A:I like it because it is so bag and tall.
Q:Who created the structure?
A:The creator's name is Gustave Eiffel.
Q:Why did he or she create it? What is the used for?
A:The Tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 worlds fair.
Q:How does the building represent the cultuire or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
A: The change from stone to steel.
Q:How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
A: It does not suit the environment.
Residence Antilia India - by Amanda,r:10,s:0
Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about the structure captures your attention? I picked the building Residence Antilia because it’s 40 stories tall and I love the shape. It is kind of oval in shape and it’s a very pretty piece. Residence Antilia is very smooth looking. It reminds me of a water fall in a big fountain. The color grabs my attention.
Who created the structure? Mukesh Ambani is an Indian tycoon who created Residence Antilia.
Why did Mukesh Ambani create it? What was the structure used for? It was designed to have entwined plants running up all the way top of it on the 40th floor, which makes it a unique building and set a new world record for the tallest continuous living thing. It is a multi purpose building that ranges from parkade, to office space to living quarters. Mukesh’s family reside on the top floor.
How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit in the surroundings? It represents a temple in India. The Indian people use the temple as a place of worship.
How the building is suited to the environment that it comes from? It satisfies the religious element to the building. It’s also a green space that grows food and plants. People can also live in it. This building is a multi functional facility. It would fit in any urban center, especially India because it is densely populated.
Orestad College - by Kaitlyn,r:9,s:24
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
The Orested college is a very interesting structure located in Copenhagen, Denmark. I think the colourful transparent shades are a very interesting and eye catching part of this college. The colourful shades located on the sides of the building, will rotate automatically to where the sun is. The inside of this college is also really cool, with spiral staircases, circular rooms and studying areas on top of the class rooms.
2. Who created the college?
The three architechs who created this college in 2009 were Kim Herforth Neilson, Bo Boge Larsen and Jan Ammundsen.
3. Why did he or she create it? What was the structure used for?
The Orestad college was created to prepare students better for university and to improve their understanding of science. It was also built as an open study environment instead of the traditional classroom teaching. Meaning students can go off and work independently and study.
This structure is used for students ages 14-19. It is a unique learning facility that helps students with their future goals in life.
4 .How does this building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The Orestad college hosts many cultural and social activities. Many students will study their culture and even new cultures. They learn things such as the arts, history and the languages. Along with the studying, they also learn many new languages.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
I think the Orestad college really does fit in with it's environments and surroundings. This college is like a kids dream school. There are laptops and wireless internet for the students to work with. Since this college was built just outside of Copenhagen they don't have much surrounding it. The area is open and can be seen from every floor of the college. This colourful college is boxed shaped with a pattern of colours on the shades. Each floor is a boomerang shape with 4 study zones. On the outside of the college, the colourful shades are really noticeable and blends in well with the trees and very few buildings. As the city builds out, there will be more buildings and attractions coming up and surrounding it.
Architecture Marvels: The City of Arts and Sciences
By: Paul and Dominic
1. Why is the image we selected considered beautiful or the least interesting? What about the structures captured our attention?
A. The image we selected was considered amazing to the two of us because we are amazed to how the construction of this complex came together so quickly and how this complex did not destroy any off the surrounding environment, but rather used the river to their advantage. They had built the largest European oceanographic park by using the river that runs through this complex. They built this complex in less than 10 years.
2. Who created this structure?
B. The structure was designed and created by Santiago Calatrava and Felix Candela in 1998. The complex’s first build was L’Hemispheric, a IMAX movie theatre. The entire complex was completed in 2005 with the Prince Felipe Museum.
3. Why did they create it? What is the structure used for?
C. These men created this building for the people of Spain to show them ordinary men and women can build marvelous buildings and architectural wonders in the world. The complex offers spaces for IMAX movies, sports events, a planetarium and laserium, an oceanographic park, a landscaped plant walk, and a science museum.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
D. The building represents the culture or the people by showing the many thing and diversity of Spain. These building fit the area that the river still stands. The people who had designed the complex had built a seaway around the complex to build the structures on solid ground.
5. How is the structure suited to the environment?
E. The structure is suited to the environment by using the river, and building a man-made structure to support plants grown by locals. The river supports some aquatic life in the oceanographic park such as seals and dolphins. The river is designed to help give water to people along the river. There are trees along the river were grown and cared for by people. The plants are grown by the locals of Valencia and are to promote plant life and healthy habits to care for your plants.
House of the Dragon By : Matthew
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention? This image is considered both beautiful and interesting to me, because of the color and the unique shape, This image captured my attention because of the bones, shape of the window , shape of the building and the balcony.
2. Who created the structure? Antoni Gaudi and Josep Maria Jujol was created the structure .
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?Antoni Gaudi create it for Josep Batllo, The structure used for the people can live.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area? The building is colourful and suits Spanish culture in Spain, Barcelona, Spain the building has Balconies and fits the warm climate.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from? The casa batllo is suited for its environment because it is fun and interesting. Residents calls it the house of bone or house of the dragon.
Guggenheim Art Museum - by Max,r:2,s:106&tx=71&ty=57,r:13,s:45,r:2,s:106&tx=71&ty=57,r:13,s:45
1. This structure is considered cool because it has a strange tornado like spiral shape. Also it is cleaner and whiter than the other buildings.
2. This building was designed by Solomon R. Guggenheim.
3. This structure was made to be an art museum.
4. It looks strand and out there like some of the art in the building.
5. This building suits the environment it’s in because it stands out from all the other brick buildings. It also has a good contrast to the park across from it.
Burj Al Arab by Khadeeja

1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
I thought this image I selected considered beautiful, of the interesting details it has. But also where it's located. This image captues my attention that, how much details, people put, in this structure.
2. Who created the structure?
A man named Tom Wills-Wright created this structure in Dubai.
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
Tom Wills-Wright created this structure in 1994, in Dubai, because to represent an Arabian vessel called "Dhow". This structure is used for and is the tallest, and the only 7-star hotel in the world.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
This building represents a symbolic statement for Dubai. It actually does fit arround the fitting area, it's because it's located on a island beside a beach.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
The building represents a important statement to them , to tell Dubai, that they live in a important environment.
Habitat 67 - by Ariel
1.) I think this is considered interesting because of the way it is made. All the rooms are all in the shape of a cube and because not everything is alligned. I like this specific structure because it looks like a real life M.C. Escher work of art.
2.) The creator of Habitat 67 is Moshe Safdie, an Israeli born Canadian architect who immigrated to Montreal in 1953, when he was fifteen. Moshe is known for his usage of geometric shapes and interesting curves in his structures.
3.) Mr. Safdie made this to try and revolutionize the way homes were built. He wanted to make a apartment complex that was affordable yet fancy. But that however, failed as the apartment became a rather expensive place to live in. He had planned to find a way to fit a large amount of people while at the same time provide families with some with the comfort of a private home. Construction on Habitat 67 began in 1964.
4.) Habitat 67 fits the culture of the Montreal people because it is big and Montreal people like big things like any big city would. It doesn't quite fit the area because it is rather far away from the rest of Montreal's neighborhoods.
5.) It suits the environment it comes from because it is a very noticeable structure for a big city.
PATHEON by Jordan
1. Why is the image you selected considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
I t I think the Pantheon is interesting because it is one of the best preserved ancient Roman buildings in the entire world. I also find it very interesting that it is the final resting place for ancient gods, artists and Roman royalty. The front portico captures my attention because of the three rows of 8 columns. Each one weighs approximately 7 tons.
2. Who created the structure?
Emperor Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa built the first Pantheon in 27 BC but in 120 AD Hadrian, the adopted son of Emperor Trajan began designing a Pantheon that resembled Greek temples.
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
He created it to be a sanctuary for all gods and it resembled the earth and the dome reflected the heavens. The Pantheon is now used as a church as well as a museum and art gallery. It is also contains the tombs of famous artists and Italian kings.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The Pantheon is a showcase for the history of ancient Rome. It holds tombs of its famous artists and royalty and its ancient gods. The dome appears low and is not much higher than surrounding buildings and the style of the Pantheon can be detected in many buildings in the area.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
It is grand and majestic and ornate, just as the gods and emperors and the rich of society were in their days. This building displays the richness of its people’s culture.
T The Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - By Jadin
1. Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention? I think it is interesting for the fact of it being the world's tallest building and because it looks like a huge lighting rod. It caught my attention because it very big compared to every other building and because it is very shiny.
2. Who created the structure? The Burj Khalifa was created by Adrian Smith, the construction started on January, 2004 and was finished on September, 2010
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for? The Burj Khalifa doesn't have a specific reason why Adrian Smith created it. The Burj Khalifa has 30,000 homes, nine hotels such as The Address Downtown Dubai, 7.4 acres of parkland, at least 19 residential towers, the Dubai Mall, and the 30-acre, man-made Burj Khalifa Lake.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area? It has almost everything in it so anybody in the community could come and get what they need. It fits the surrounding area because the area has a nice urban look and it fits well in the enviroment.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from? It suits good because you could do what you need to do in it like shopping and other things you could live in the tower and never have to leave again.
Bodiam Castle by Rolan
Bodiam Castle is found in the south east England, it was built by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge. It is considered beautiful and interesting because it has an aesthetic design and it is a perfect example of a late medieval castle. It has an amazing architecture which lasted through time and the way it is surrounded by water… it even makes it more fascinating.
It was built to defend the area against the French invasion during the Hundred Years’ War. It was also the home of the Dalyngrigge family and the centre of the manor of Bodiam.
The medieval tower castle represent England’s royalty and the people were governed by kings, queens, dukes, knights and all of those in their time. It also represents England’s elegant way of living and solidarity in their political leadership.
The concrete castle speaks so much of its strength and power as it rises in the midst of the lake and isolation. The lake and the trees which represent life, support the foundation of the castle.
P.S. it's A.D.
The Kansas City Public Library by Jake
The Kansas City Public Library by Jake
1. Why the image you selected is considered beautiful or at least interesting? What about this structure captures your attention?
The image I selected is interesting Because it stands out due to the giant book sculptures. It captures my attention with the big books.
2. Who created the structure?
This was created by Mary Elizabeth Colter in 1873. However the big books were added during a renovation by the city in 2004.
3. Why did he or she create it? What is the structure used for?
She created it because she was an architect and the city needed a library so she took the job. It is a library and was always meant to be a library.
4. How does the building represent the culture or the people? Does it fit the surrounding area?
The building represents a culture that is more laid back and likes to read which is a good description of Kansas City.It stands out in the surrounding area but does not seem out of place.
5. How is the building suited to the environment that it comes from?
The building is suited to the environment because the area around the building is modern but boring and the library adds a much needed touch of flavour to the area.
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